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Mental Strength



Tony Robbins – Breakthrough

Author, life coach, and motivational speaker T...
Image via Wikipedia

In case you missed it, Tony Robbins “Breakthrough” debuted last night and regardless of what anyone thinks of the show I feel the deeper message is critical to everyone.

We have the power and we must use that power to take back control of our life!

If you contemplate the steps Tony gave in the show and then determine how you can apply them to your life, the show will much more then entertainment.  

If on the other hand you sit there and mock the show, Tony and how bad it was…well you’re life may never change and you have only yourself to blame….oh yea, what have you done to help people lately? 

There are 7 Steps in the show:

1 – Rewrite Your Story

2 – Confront Your Real Issues

3 – Discover Your Inner Strength

4 – Redefine What Is Possible

5 – Exceed Your Expectations

6 – Change Your Belief System

7 – Own Your Breakthrough

What’s great about show like this is we can all have our own interpretation of what each steps means (to us).

My interpretation of the steps are:

Rewrite Your Story” – If we choose to continue on the path we’re on we can expect to get more of the same.  If that’s a story of sorrow, poverty, sickness…we’ll keep getting more of the same.  If how ever we “rewrite our story” before it happens we will have different results.  We can rewrite our story by making even the smallest of changes in our perspective.  A small shift now will create dramatic results down the road.  One way to create this shift is by asking yourself “What if…”  “What if I stopped thinking this way? Then what would happen?”  “What if I stated to act differently? What would happen?”  By simply questioning your current situation you’ll begin to shack loss the limiting beliefs that hold you in bondage.

Confront Your Real Issues” – The real issues are deeper then what we see.  What we see is the ‘effect’ of the ‘cause’.  We need to get to the ‘cause.’  The real issue isn’t that your overweight, unemployed or don’t have a special person in your life.  The real issue is how you THINK and FEEL about the issues.  As Tony said, “The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions.”  If your thoughts and emotions are in turmoil…your life will reflect this.  So by digging deep and getting the real issue, permanent change can occur.

Discover Your Inner Strength” – Once you’ve confronted you real issue you can now experience just how much mental strength you have.  This will take guts, courage and a “damm the torpedoes” attitude.  Here is where action comes in. It’s great to contemplate and discover your real issue, but if you don’t take action to counter it, you’ll never discover your inner strength.  With the new perspective from confronting your real issue you’ll notice things you’ve never seen before.  When you see the world a new, as if for the first time, you’ll be able to tap into our inner strength and take new action…and get new results!

Redefine What Is Possible” – By discovering your inner strength and taking new action you automatically redefine what you thought was possible.  If you had thought something was possible, you would have done it already won’t have you?  The power of taking action is incredible!  Not only do you discover your mental strength but you also redefine what you once that as impossible is now possible. And if you change one thought about something you can change ALL your thoughts!  

Exceed Your Expectations” – So now we come what I call “the push.”  If you’re like me your expectations are set pretty high aren’t they?   Well this particular step is refereeing to what you found when you faced the real issue, discovered your inner strength and redefined what is possible.  So you know what?  This is all new ground!  The only standards set here are the old ones with limits.  In this case you can “shoot for the eagle, bag the pheasant and you won’t eat crow.”   Set a SMART goal, go for it and exceed what you thought was possible!

Change Your Belief System” – Not sure if you’re noticing a pattern here, but each step sets you up for the next.  Think about this….who sets your expectations?  You do.  Where do your expectations come from?  Your beliefs.  So by exceeding your exceptions you automatically change your belief system.  What has to happen in this step is for you to recognize that your belief system has changed.  If you poo-poo your accomplishment in the pervious step, nothing inside will change.  By acknowledging what you accomplished, knowing that it is was all you…your belief system will change.    

Own Your Breakthrough” – This may actually be the toughest step of all.  As a society we’re taught to be “humble”, don’t brag and keep your head down.  By owning your breakthrough you are stepping into your own personal power…the one you were born with…the one that is your inheritance…the power you deserve!  This has nothing to do with being humble or bragging.  It has everything to do with being your authentic self.  By owning your breakthrough you are acknowledging you are more then you ever thought you were. This personal power can then be applied to other areas of your life. When that happens…look out world!

Tony Robbins has done so much for so many people and I’m glad to see this special on TV and I’m looking forward to next week.

You can catch the show again here under “Episode”

What to experience your own breakthrough Contac Me or visit:

Let me know your thoughts about the show in the comments below.

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