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Mental Strength



There is Only One Problem and You’ve Made it Up

Problems….we all seem to have them right?  I don’t have the body I want.  I’m not making the money I want. I can’t mental strengthfind the right person for me.

Problems are everywhere!


Or are they?


I’d like to offer up that the only problem is the idea that there are problems; that things aren’t okay…they’re not the way they’re “supposed to be.”  Tony Robbins says that the only reason we are dissatisfied and have problems is that our expectations (our blueprint) do not equal our reality, that is, what we perceive should be happening.  


We have a definition for personal success and we’re not there, so we’re frustrated and unhappy. Never thinking of WHO created the definition of personal success in the first place.


In the same way that something only becomes a piece of art when someone puts a frame around it, something only becomes a problem when someone describes it as one.  The basic structure of a problem is that “Things are not the way they’re supposed to be, and I can’t be happy until they are.” 


I’m here to tell you that this is a lie.  You can be happy now, regardless of your circumstances.  One thing to do is look at your definition of “personal success.”  Was it set too high?  Is it really a reflection of who you are?  When you modify your definition and start to accept the reality of the current situation, then you’ve exercised your mental strength and have personal empowerment. 


Don’t get me wrong, this is not to say that there is no room for improvement or that achieving more is not desirable.  But by starting to accept your reality just the way it is, and that’s okay for now, then you release the worry, fear and anxiety that have been holding you back. 


Once you have “cleared” the disempowering thoughts and energy you can then use your mental strength and the power of focus to create the circumstances you desire…and this is true personal empowerment!


Let me hear from you on the subject of problems in the comments below.

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