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Mental Strength



The Two Sides of Thoughts and Beliefs

When we have a thought…a thought that is charged with emotions two things happen….the thinker thinks, the provermental strength proves.

Sounds kind of schizophrenic doesn’t it?

I’m we have two ‘selves’ that come along with a thought.   

What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. The human mind can be viewed as having two main functions: a thinker and a prover. The thinker can think anything. The prover has no such choice: whatever the thinker thinks, the prover arranges all incoming information to prove that thought to be true.

No matter what it is!

So if we look at beliefs that are thoughts that are strongly held as true we can say that what the thinker believes, the prover proves. 

If a person believes they are stupid, their prover will sort and filter all incoming data to prove that belief to be true. If they believe they are clever, the prover will sort and filter incoming data to prove that belief true. If you believe you will always be poor, that life is unfair, and that people are basically rotten, your prover will find evidence of those beliefs. If you believe that that you can become fantastically wealthy and achieve personal success, that life is a wonderful adventure, and that people are intrinsically good, your prover will create an iron clad case to prove those beliefs to be correct.

Of course, over time, the external reality of your life comes into line with whatever you’ve been thinking and believing. So if you’re unsure about what you believe, there’s an easy way to find out: have a look around! Your external circumstances are the physical manifestation of your beliefs.

You might even like to ask yourself what beliefs it would be useful for you to have. What the thinker thinks, the prover proves.

If you’d like some assistance with developing the mental strength to change what the thinker thinks (and believes) request an Introductory Consultation, or pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.”  Either one will help you take control of your thoughts and beliefs. Then you’ll be able to reach your peak personal performance and personal success.

Let me hear from you about this subject in the comments below.

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