That’s All I Can Stand, I Can’t Stand No More
“When it’s time for me to walk away from something, I walk away from it. My mind, my body, my conscience tell me that enough is enough.” -Jerry West
You can apply this question to many areas of your life, “When is enough, enough?”
I personal coach many people ranging from CEO’s to athletes, all with their unique set of issues. And you know what? When I get to bottom line, it breaks down to the fact that whatever it is they’re dealing with they’ve had enough of it and want it to go away.
When things get bad enough is usually when people start to make changes. Have you had enough heartache and pain? Are you tired of being in debt or overweight? Are you sick of putting up with the way someone treats you? Have you had enough of toxic people? Can you take another minute of putting yourself down? And, are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and you want to be happy?
When the pain of putting up with being miserable and continuing to do nothing about it becomes greater than the pain of the unknown, or stepping out of your box, or actually doing something to change is when you will choose to end the madness that has you imprisoned.
Or as Popeye says…”That’s all I can stand, I can’t stand no more.”
I’ve been curious as to why most people wait for pain? Even more funny is when I coach them it never fails, they actually tell me they saw it coming, and still they did nothing until the pain was great enough.
You see, here’s the thing, you and only one who has the key to unlock your cell door and free yourself from not getting whatever it is you want from life. It’s all about decisions, commitment, boundaries and actions. You make a decision about what it is you want to change. Then you commit yourself to doing what you need to do in order to experience what you want to experience.
The challenge for many is HOW to make that decision. This is just one of things I’ll cover in “21 Days to Creating a Workable Life.”
One thing to do to create a workable life is you either eliminate or set boundaries with the people who are toxic in your life, who suck your energy and who take advantage of you. If someone disrespect’s your needs, if they disregard your feelings or if they are only interested in themselves, what good are they and what value do they add to your life?
I often hear stories about how one partner treats the other, whether personal or professional. I hear about how they yell at them, talk down to them, they rarely validate their needs and they simply make them feel bad, most of the time.
Now here comes the tough part….we teach people how to treat us. If we don’t set bounder’s, limits and say “no” once in while, the other person thinks it’s OK to treat us this way. We are the ones responsible for teaching people how to treat us.
If you want to have a workable life one key component is to have self-respect and self-empowerment, this is accomplished by boundaries. Or, if need be it’s about using your mental strength and making a tough decision that you’ve had enough and then do something about it…this my friend is called taking action.
Whether you’ve had enough debt, hurt, self-loathing or whatever it is that you’re done with, decide what you are willing to do about it. Love yourself enough to take care of yourself and make a commitment to take action to change it. What are you willing to do to have what you want?
Really think about that. What is it that you are willing to give up, who are you willing to let go of, what feelings and habits are you willing to let go of, what are you willing to commit to and what changes are you willing to make to be happy?
When you have the answers to those questions you and you do something about it that will be the key that sets you free!
One way to find the answer is to attend the upcoming teleseminar “21 Days to Creating a Workable Life.”