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Mental Strength



Ten Mental Strength Tips for Personal Growth

In order to manage personal growth and change, and make sure it is positive and productive, there are certain things that we all must do. Granted, the list of must-dos entails a lot of mental strength on our part and often, our reaction to change or crisis is to throw a fit or to worry but let things ride.

By doing this, we miss a good chance to stretch our wings and gain both personal power and wisdom from the experience.

Maybe you are at a point in your life when you want to go through change or challenges more constructively so that you can emerge a better and mentally stronger person.

This is easier said than done but it’s a good thing many who have gone through the same crises have decided to share the lessons they have learned.

From these lessons we are able to gather ten mental strength tips for personal growth.

Ten Mental Strength Tips for Personal Growth

  1. To turn change into constructive transformation, do some serious reflection and assessment. This means thoughtfully considering what has happened or is happening with an earnest desire to arrive at reality. Get your feet to touch the ground and concede to the truth that blaming anyone is fruitless and counterproductive.
  2. Accept the fact that you are hurting but be realistic and tell yourself this too shall pass. And it is true that whatever pain you are going through will pass if you let it. Most of all, the heartache you feel now will really make you a stronger person with more depth and wisdom.
  3. Look forward to possibilities that change, even painful change, can bring. Once your sight is set forward instead of stuck in the past you can become a willing participant in the journey that life offers. This is a better proposition than going through days dragging your heels and seeing nothing but gloom.
  4. Be aware of how you are going through the challenges that confront you. Take note of the days when you experience successes regardless of how minor these may seem to you. These are markers that indicate how little by little you are being transformed. Document each day so you know exactly how much progress you are making. Later, you may even want to share these markers as your tips for personal transformation.
  5. Stop limiting yourself. Be conscious that most of the time, people bind themselves to achieving less than they can because they themselves have set invisible ceilings that prevent them from trying anything more than what is expected. Keep an open mind about the things you can do.
  6. Expect to encounter obstacles on the road to transformation but know too that these are a natural part of the process. Obstacles can be considered as whetting stones that sharpen you and make you more incisive.
  7. Restate your long-range goals in terms of milestones with shorter time intervals so you can bring the work down to manageable segments and enjoy your small successes.
  8. Don’t keep doing the things that don’t work. Changing your tactics and strategies doesn’t mean you are abandoning your destination. It merely means you are modifying the flight plan. You will still get there and possibly more comfortably so if you learn to be flexible and adjust things accordingly.
  9. Learn to share your experiences so others may learn from you. As you go about sharing, you will find your mind synthesizing the experiences you have gone through. In this way, your learning deepens. You will also find that your sharing will elicit contributions from others – inputs that show you other points of view and enrich your own perspective.
  10. Listen to others who have gone successfully through crises and different challenges. Their experiences are worth learning from and are a rich source of down-to-earth, applicable tips for personal transformation.

To find other tips on how to create mental strength and personal growth pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!

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