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Warrior Mind Podcast



Support Team For Success: Warrior Mind Podcast #184

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post “Support Structure and Personal Success.”

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to encourage you to build and use a support team to provide a mental oasis on the way to creating a life of power, purpose and passion!

It’s hard to live in this world and achieve all the things you want to achieve. The best thing you can do is to make sure you have a lot of tools available to help support your dreams. This network of a support team can make all the difference in whether you succeed or fail.

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Enjoy This Warrior Mind Podcast on Your Support Team

Your Support Team

The very first on your ranking of a support team should be family. Family members are the number one method of support because they know where you’re coming from. They also love you and want to help you do everything you want to do in life. (And if they don’t, they should!)

Each family member serves a different purpose in your life. A mother or father might nurture you and pad your falls. A child will help you to see the reasons why you’re working so hard. A spouse can help you in all that you do. They are usually your number one supporters.

Even though family is great you’ll also want to include your friends on your support team. While they may not know you as well as family (or they might know you better than family in some cases!), they can still add a lot to your support system. Friends are helpful because they might even have the same goals that you have. For example, if you’re exercising you can call a friend up to come join you.

Friends don’t even have to live in the same town that you do. In this day and age more and more people are making friends on the Internet. Location is definitely not an issue when you consider the Internet lifestyle. Even if you’re going through a particularly difficult time there’s probably someone, somewhere going through the same thing.

Joining online forums and chat groups can add a different perspective to your support team and do you a lot of good in this case. Getting things off of your chest can feel great. This is even true when you don’t know the people at the other end of the computer screen. In fact, developing such a wide network of support can help to load you with all the help you’ll ever need.

If you want to include even more resources in your support tram you can always join a program. There are different programs out there for everything under the sun. This includes anything from weight loss to money management. These programs can be found in your local town as well as online.

Of course, when you’re considering support networks you can’t forget yourself. You alone know yourself the best. Keeping a journal can be a great way to organize your thoughts and develop your own methods of support. Don’t forget to write in your journal each and every day so that you’re able to keep a record of everything you do to reach your goals

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You are your biggest supporter.

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