Strategic Planning and Personal Success: Mental Strength Tip #152
Strategic Planning, How’s Yours?
Personal success is achieved through strategic planning and the disciplined execution of a fully established personal development plan.
This virtual personal coaching session is going to aid you in your personal growth and personal development for the attainment of your goals and personal success.
Today I’m going to coach you on the concept of strategic planning and it’s relation to your personal success. I’ll start by giving an overview about it. Then I’ll continue by asking a series of mental strength questions. I’ll wrap-up with a summary and some last thoughts.
Take your time with this topic of strategic planning, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down. Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself. But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.
[color-box]How’s our mental strength? Find out exactly how mentally strong you are with a complimentary Mental Strength Assessment. To take it, just go HERE[/color-box]
Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:
To persuade you of the importance of consistently thinking about strategic planning when comes to your dreams, goals and success.
Let’s Get Started:
The word “strategy” comes from the Greek word for “generalship”. Like a good general, strategies give overall direction for an initiative.
A strategy is a way of describing how you are going to get things done. It is less specific than a tactical plan (which describes who-what-when); instead, it tries to broadly answer the question, “How do you get from here to there?”
A good strategy will take into account existing barriers and resources (people, money, power, materials, etc.). It will also stay with the overall vision, mission, and objectives of your compelling future. Often, you may end up using many different strategies – providing information, enhancing support, removing barriers, providing resources, etc.-to achieve your goals.
Objectives outline the aims of your actions – what will success look like when you achieve your vision. By contrast, strategic planning describes paths to take (and how to move along) on the road to success. That is, strategic planning helps you decide how you will realize your vision and objectives through the nitty-gritty world of action.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Strategic Planning:
- Does strategic planning really work or is just a cute buzz term?
- Is it possible to use strategic planning more effectively to achieve personal success?
- What are some of the best strategic plans you’ve ever seen?
Unsupportive Beliefs about Strategic Planning:
- Strategic planning provides no significant advantages today for personal success.
- Strategic planning is just a gimmick that doesn’t work in the long-term.
- Strategic planning only works for mega-companied, not for people.
Mental Strength Beliefs about Strategic Planning:
- Strategic planning is the key achieving your life’s vision and mission.
- Thinking in terms of strategic planning is an ongoing process.
- Mental strength thinking is essential for strategic planning.
Outrageous Questions:
- What the best strategic plan you’ve ever created?
- What is your current strategic plan?
- Is it possible your lack of strategic planning is keeping you from personal success?
Reflective Questions:
- What would your business partners or friends say about your use of strategic planning?
- If you invested more time in strategic planning, would you be more successful?
- If you invested more time in strategic planning, would you be able to leverage your time more effectively?
Mental Strength Coaching:
A strategic plan is a bridge for getting from where you are today to where you want to go.
Whether in business or in your personal life, strategy is how you plan to get from your current position to your desired goals. There’s a good chance you have a strategy for your business— whether it’s effective or not will decide how long you’ll be around. But tell me—do you have a plan for your life?
If you answered “no,” you’re not alone. In a study I conducted with Harris Interactive, it found that while 82 percent of business executives have a written strategy for their business, a mere 22 percent have a written strategy for their lives.
The research involved more than three hundred Fortune 1000 business executives, consisting of chief executives, presidents, executive directors, general managers, and vice presidents representing more than twenty-five industries across the United States.
These dismal numbers showed that the practice of developing a strategic plan for our businesses is not being carried over into our personal lives.
Final Thought
Developing a strategic plan is the fourth step in the VMOSA (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans) process.
Strategic planning is the essential step between figuring out your objectives and making the changes to reach them. Strategies should always be formed in advance of taking action, not deciding how to do something after you have done it.
Without a clear idea of the how, your actions you’ll waste time, effort and fail to take advantage the opportunities presented to you.
Your strategic plan should be updated occasionally to meet the needs of the changing environment, including new opportunities and emerging challenges to your efforts.
Start your strategic planning today and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.