Check Readiness

Mental Strength



Stop Wasting Time and Just Decide Already

Every success starts with a decision, and every failure starts with indecision.  The biggest waste of time and life, for most people is the decision they need to make but haven’t made because they can’t make up their mind….they’re afraid to commit.

Unfortunately, by not making a decision a decision has been made…that is a commitment to fail!

There is massive power in a made-up mind. Every one of us is a decision maker. We have over 75,000 thoughts a day.  Some worth entertaining and making decisions over, bit most of them are “stories” created in our imagination.

Consider executives. During the year these men and women have to make hundreds, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of decisions. If they give equal value to every decision, no decision is that important.  Once they have the majority of the facts, they make a decision.

I once heard a quote, “A leader, once the majority of facts are known, makes the right decision, and if it’s not, he/she makes the decision right.”

There are going to be important decisions, and there are going to be monumental decisions. There are going to be such big decisions that, as you look back on them, you will say the decision was worth making.

Very few people understand the importance of making fewer decisions, or even making decisions decisively. You can start making important decisions right now!  All you have to do is determine the top 3 goals that will move your life forward in the direction you want with the biggest impact. 

Then start with the #1 goal and decide that every action you take from now one will be to the accomplishment of that goal.  Nothing else matters but that #1 goal.  Miraculously all the other seemingly important decisions just fall away. 

Once you have reached goal #1, move on to goal #2 and then on to goal #3.

Sure it sounds easy and you will need to develop the mental strength to “see it through.”  When you do, you’ll have the mental strength to take on bigger goals and make decisions quicker and enjoy life more!

You are your biggest supporter.

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