Starting a New Life
If you’ve been a reader of this blog for a while you know that the main thrust is for anyone afflicted with one of the primary diseases of our time: negative thinking and self-doubt.
I come before you a certified expert on the subject: I use to be a confirmed negaholic. I don’t just see a glass that’s half-full and call it half-empty; I see a glass that’s completely full and worry that someone’s going to tip it over.
A New Life
Negative thinking is always expensive – dragging us down mentally, emotionally, and
Physically – hence I refer to any indulgence in it as a luxury. When, however, we have the symptoms of a life-threatening illness – be it AIDS, heart trouble, cancer, high blood pressure, or any of the others – negative thinking is a luxury we can no longer afford.
I remember a bumper sticker I read awhile ago, “Death Is Nature’s Way of Telling You to
Slow Down.” Well, the signs of a life-threatening illness are nature’s way of telling you to – as we say in California – “lighten up”.
Be easier on yourself.
Think better of yourself.
Learn to forgive yourself and others.
The intention of this post is about getting behind on your worrying.
Way…way behind.
The further behind on your worrying you get, the further ahead you’ll be.
My favorite quote on worry: “Worrying is the interest paid on a debt you may not owe.” And more I like “Worrying is mental rehearsal of something you don’t want to happen.”
These newsletters are not so much to be read as they are to be used. They all don’t have to be read. I like to think you can print them out, put them in a binder and flip through them at any time to any page and get something of value from it.
For the next few issues I’m going to talk about negativity in reference to “The Disease” and “The Cure.”
The disease is not any specific illness, but what I believe to be a precursor of all life threatening illnesses – negative thinking.
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The cure is not a wonder drug or a vaccinationor The Magic Bullet. The cure is very simple:
- Spend more time focusing on the positive things in your life (Accentuate the Positive)
- Spend less time thinking negatively (Eliminate the Negative)
- Enjoy each and every moment you can (Latch on to the Affirmative).
That’s it.
Simple, but far from easy.
It’s the aim of the next few editions is to make the process simple and, if not easy, at least easier.
Please don’t use anything in these newsletters against yourself. Don’t interpret anything I say as The Disease as blame. When I use the word responsibility, for example, I simply mean you have the ability to respond. (And you are responding or you wouldn’t be reading this.)
And please don’t take any of the suggestions in The Cure as “musts,” “should’s,” or “have to’s.”
Think of them as joyful activity, creative play, curious exploration-not as additional burdens in an already burdensome life.
These next several posts are not designed to replace proper medical care. Please use them in conjunction with whatever course of treatment your doctor or health-care provider prescribes.
If you have a life-threatening illness, you will have to take some life supporting actions, and naturally these include proper medical attention.
You are far more powerful than you ever dreamed.
You are a marvelous, wonderful, worthwhile person – just because you are. That’s the point of view I’ll be taking. Please join me for a while – an hour, a week, a lifetime – at that viewing point.
We’ll start up next week and I wanted to pre-frame what’s coming.
If you’d like to get start studying on your own please pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!