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Signs You Need A Personal Coach

Some people misunderstand the purpose of Personal Coaching. They think that a personal coach is just someone who is there for them to talk to. However, a personal coach is not just a listener, they will guide you in finding solutions rather than excuses, help you set realistic goals and most of all will hold you accountable for taking the steps set for your goals.

Personal coaching is not a therapy, it is not fixing what is broken; it is closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

“Part therapist, part consultant, part motivational expert, part professional organizer, part friend, part nag — the personal coach seeks to do for your life what a personal trainer does for your body.”  – Kim Palmer

So what are the signs that you need a Personal Coach?

You’re Stuck: You do everything but despite your best efforts to make changes in your life, nothing has changed. You are still in the same place with the same issues you had 5 years ago. You may want to ask for help from a personal coach to guide you to get out of where you are now.

“I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum potential.” – Bob Nardelli

People Avoid You: People may stop listening to you if you are complaining about the same issues over and over for years. The lives of your friends will be drained if they listen to your repetitive problems.

“A coach can play any number of roles –mentor, consultant, motivator, but one thing she [or he] is not is a therapist. Coaching deals with the “how”: how you can move on from where you are and make change. It’s action-oriented, and concerned with the present and future, not the past.” – Shape Magazine

You’ve Lost Your Purpose: You feel tired and you have unexplainable pains all over your body. Due to your unhappiness, boredom and resistant on taking responsibility of your life, you are bound to become stressful at all times. If you wake up one day and realize that you want to be happy but impossible, try to talk to a personal coach.

You’ve Lost Your Power: If you are so uptight and can only see problems and not solutions, a personal coach can help you by using some tools to program your daily routine to be happy. They will help you create your plan and guide you step by step on where you want to go in life.

You’ve Lost Or Given Up On Your Dream: If you want to pursue your dream but hesitate, then you might want to find a helping hand to take the first. It won’t happen overnight but taking small steps is brave enough to face the reality that you need personal coaching.

You’ve Lost Your Passion: You already have great maps, plans and strategy on achieving your goal in life and you do well on the beginning but you lose motivation to go on along the way. There may be many reasons why you didn’t follow through your plans and the best help may be coming from a Professional Personal Coach. The fear of failure holds you back and a personal coach will keep you going by implementing some process that may change your perception in life.

If you feel any of the signs above, then it is time for you to consult a personal coach. A personal coach will give you strategies, techniques and procedures that will last a lifetime.

To find out more about how personal coaching can help you, request your Introductory Consultation today.

Also, personal coaching can be a great benefit in the business world.  Download a free report from Harvard Business Review on the ROI of coaching in business – What Coaching Can Do For You.

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them. “ – Timothy Gallwey

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