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Sex, Warriors and Mental Strength

During my Warriors Quest intensive, among other things, we explore various archetypes and how they are playing a role and manifesting in the persons life.

We spend a considerable amount of time on, what I consider, to be the four main archetypes required to exceed our human potential.  These are:

  • The Ruler
  • The Warrior
  • The Magician
  • The Lover

It doesn’t matter if my client is male or female, these four archetypes need to be channeled and used to live a life or power, purpose, passion and perseverance.

What I have found is that most men are OK with The Magician and great with The Warrior.  They are however lacking a strong connection with The Ruler and The Lover, well not exactly.  They do have connections with them, just the shadow side.

For this post, I’m going to focus on The Lover.  I’ll start by giving a brief description of The Lover archetype.

The Lover

  • Intention: Loving others, being romantic, intimate and making connections
  • The interloper archetype is found in erotic life force energy, symbolized by the marriage of the god and goddess within.
  • We often know about what is going on within us by looking at our external world.  We learn to love a woman with a learning to love and respect woman outside ourselves, individually and collectively.  We learn to love the man within by learning to love and respect meant outside ourselves, individually and collectively.
  • Jung taught that our entry into the world of the soul came by the way of the Contra-sexual element within the psyche; from then this was the anima, for women the animus.
  • We can recognize the second figure in a number of ways: the anima or animus often figures predominately in our dreams; if we engage in an art form, and often figures in our artist well; and we find ourselves attracted to real men for real women who embody the qualities of our inner animus or anima.
  • Aspects 
    • Goal – Bliss
    • Fear – Loss of love
    • Dragon – Love it
    • Response to Task – Follow your bliss
    • Gifts – Passion, commitment, enthusiasm, sensual pleasure
  • Shadow
    • Objectifying others, romance or sex addictions, out of control sexuality
    • Includes the sirens (luring others from their quest), seducers (using love for conquest), sex or relationship addicts (feeling addicted to love), and anyone who is unable to say no when passion descends, or is totally destroyed when a lover leaves.
  • Addictiveness
    • Intimacy problems
    • Relationship/sex

Because many men think that The Lover is based in feminine energy that this is weak or a sign of weakness and many men consciously reject this archetype.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.  This is the creative force of the Universe and when properly awakened, harnessed and used can create amazing things.

One thing that can manifest from an awakened Lover archetype is a deep, passionate and meaningful relationship with a significant other.

Unfortunately when it comes to men, most of the suggestions to awakened The Lover are they typical “feminine” experiences like, taking dance lessons or learn flower arranging or learn how to express your feelings by talking them out.  Not that this are bad things, but they really don’t fully awaken The Lover.

Before I continue I need define a few terms.  I use “feminine” and “masculine” as descriptions of energy NOT gender.  This means that everyone has feminine and masculine energy in them ala the Jin and Yang.

For men to be the complete “modern warrior”, that is, to be fully aware of and embrace ALL the four archetypes he needs to be comfortable with being uncomfortable…he needs to have considerable mental strength to do things he has never done before, especially when it comes to The Lover.

Here are some basic overviews of three practices, that when embraced for what they are, and not simply a means to an end, i.e. sex, they will awaken The Lover in both the men and women and bring about a passion for life and the other like never before.


Either yoga or breathing or mediation, the practice of awakening the Kundalini energy is amazing.

KUNDALINI – (Sanskrit kund, “to burn”; kunda, “to coil or to spiral”) a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic invisible energy absolutely vital to life; beginning in the base of the spine when a man or woman begins to evolve as wisdom is earned. Kundalini has been described as liquid fire and liquid light. The ultimate outcome of kundalini is the union of Will (sakti-kundalini), Knowledge (prana-kundalini) and Action (para-kundalini).

Kundalini awakening can leave us totally incapacitated at times, or permanently damaged as far as our adaptability to this culture. Even Muktananda complained that he feared he would not be able to look after himself after he had experienced samadhi a couple of times. The Guru ashram system is great in this way, in that it insures those that are completely lost to kundalini, will be looked after. Not so in this society however, the initiate is more likely to be misunderstood, taken advantage of or locked up. Thus the more we know about the kundalini process, the better adapted we can be to the evolutionary force while still surviving in the western way of life.

“Kundalini is the focused energy of the human body and human psyche. Energy can be either manifested or unmmanifested. It can remain in the seed or it can sprout in a manifested form. Kundalini means your total potential. But it is a seed; it’s a possibility. The ways to awaken kundalini are ways to make your potential actual” 91 Osho, The ABC of Enlightenment

Kundalini is a runaway train that one spontaneously has to learn how to drive. However the more one learns how to drive the train the faster it goes. But if one defaults and resists learning how to drive the train it ends up derailing in a crash. Friction and difficulty occur not so much from the process itself but from our conscious and unconscious interference with it due to not understanding what is going on.

“The mystic, endowed with native talents…and following…the instruction of a master, enters the waters and finds he can swim; whereas the schizophrenic, unprepared, unguided and ungifted, has fallen or has intentionally plunged and is drowning.” Joseph Campbell, Myths to Live By

Kundalini cannot be separated from Eros or the Muse…the soul and Kundalini appear to be the SAME THING.

A kundalini awakening is simply the amplification of the play of the poles, charges, hemispheres and sexes. It is the energy that drives the Kosmos itself.

“Eros is the transformative force of life, love is the unifying force and sexuality is the creative force, the expression of our physical nature. Love is the expression of a conscious will to evolve toward a unified being. Eros, sexuality and love present the possibility of unifying the masculine and feminine within us.” John C. Pierrakos M.D.

Tantra Yoga and Tantric Sex

The word Tantra means “to manifest, to expand, to show and to weave.” In this context, sex is thought to expand consciousness and to weave together the polarities of male (represented by the Hindu god, Shiva), and female (embodied by the Hindu goddess, Shakti), into a harmonious whole.

Sexual health can be improved naturally through the practices of Tantra Yoga and tantric sex. Besides having a strong body/mind/spirit connection, every loving couple should also enjoy multiple, powerful sexual orgasms, which stimulate and increase the secretion of the pineal and pituitary glands.

Tantric sex has a rejuvenating effect, improving men and women’s sexual health. Frequent orgasms, as one of the brain wave stimulations, will alter body chemistry. Depression and stress disappear. Women’s sexual health is greatly improved. Headaches, menstrual cramps, urinary-tract problems, weak immune function, incontinence, etc. virtually become a thing of the past.

In tantric sex, the brain chemistry is affected by empowering the endocrine glands for more hGH, serotonin, DHEA, and testosterone. Scientific and medical studies prove that sexual health improves drastically… stimulating blood circulation, detoxifying the body through the breath, strengthening the cardiovascular, endocrine/immune and nervous functions, leading to improved sexual health, rejuvenation and longevity.

Have you ever experienced a moment of sexual ecstasy?

How did it make you feel?



Deeply connected?

Intense sexual experiences are one of our greatest sources of pleasure and enlightenment.

At the same time, sex is often regarded with an equal measure of fear and fascination. We may crave sexual intimacy to the core of our being, yet also take great pains to avoid it. We may wish to be touched with all of our heart, yet fear our own vulnerability. We may long to rekindle lost passion, but have forgotten how to light the fire.

The practice of Tantra shows us how to reclaim the sexual intimacy that is our birthright. And through this most ancient of arts, we may discover new joys of the erotic and expand mere moments of sexual ecstasy into a lifetime of sexual bliss. At a time when the stresses, fears and distractions of daily life threaten so many relationships, the age-old practice of Tantra shows us how to open our hearts, our emotions and our sexuality.

What Is Tantra?

Although Tantra has long been practiced in many eastern cultures, it is just beginning to flourish in the United States. Born in India more than 6,000 years ago, Tantra emerged as a rebellion against organized religion, which held that sexuality should be rejected in order to reach enlightenment.

Tantra challenged the acetic beliefs of that time, purporting that sexuality was a doorway to the divine, and that earthly pleasures, such as eating, dancing and creative expression were sacred acts.

Couples need not adopt the Tantric pantheon in order to benefit from the sexual wisdom of this ancient art. Tantric sexual practices teach us to prolong the act of making love and to utilize potent orgasmic energies more effectively.

Tantra is also health enhancing. “Sexual energy is one of our most powerful energies for creating health,” says Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom.”

“By using sexual energy consciously…we can tap into a true source of youth and vitality.”

In the West, we sometimes view sex as a source of recreation rather than a means of transformation. The goal may be to reach orgasm rather than to pleasure our lover or to connect with him or her more fully.

Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behavior in Sanskrit literature written by V?tsy?yana. A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse.

It is largely in prose, with many inserted anustubh poetry verses. “K?ma” which is one of the three goals of Hindu life, means sensual or sexual pleasure, and “s?tra” literally means a thread or line that holds things together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule, formula), or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual.

Contrary to popular perception, especially in the western world, Kama sutra is not just an exclusive sex manual; it presents itself as a guide to a virtuous and gracious living that discusses the nature of love, family life and other aspects pertaining to pleasure oriented faculties of human life.

Written almost two millennia ago, it seems the Kama Sutra has made its way to popular culture and couples are aching to use it to enhance their bedroom antics. And although the sexual positions themselves are only a minute part of the book, I’m sure you’re interested in everything that comes before them.

The Kama Sutra makes it clear that you should make it a point to pay attention to every inch of your lover’s body. Don’t leave anything out and don’t place so much importance on the actual sex itself.

The act of lovemaking in its entirety should be thoroughly enjoyed. Be totally aware of your senses; smell, taste, touch, hear, and see her. And of course, she will do the same.

It is taught that men and women experience the same sensations when making love. Why the heck not!? Even though the mechanics are different, it’s not hard to believe that men experience the same sexual sensation as does the fairer sex.

This far from being an inclusive post about how to awaken The Lover archetype, there are many more resources, sites, books, workshops that take each of the above and go into far more detail.

The purpose here is the help men (and women) become aware of the hidden passion they have deep inside and by exploring one or all of the above methods they will be able to tape into that passion and be well on their way to living a life of power, purpose, passion and persistence.

If you’d like to explore further and deeper your inner Ruler, Warrior, Magician and Lover I strongly suggest The Warriors Quest.  If you’d like to discuss the Warriors Quest after reading all the material please Contact Me.

You are your biggest supporter.

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