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Several Ideas for Creating A Life Vision

I get a lot of questions about creating a life of power, purpose and passion and the steps involved. Well, I’m in the process of finishing up a book, creating workshops and a membership site to help with that.

I am VERY excited about this life vision project!

I’ve been dreaming of creating this offering for over 5 years and I’m just about there 🙂 I’ll keep you posted as the near final completion.

In the meantime I’d like to offer a few tools to help you with getting started on your life’s vision. I know that there are endless life vision exercises and ways to come up with a life plan.

Maybe that’s why most of us often feel overwhelmed and need help.

First, let’s get clear about why you might want a life vision:

Well, if you don’t know what you want you’ll end up with what you get!

1) Direction: When we have a life vision – it gives us something to work towards. It gives us clarity, so we can go through our days knowing we’re working towards what we want – and what’s truly important to us. This clarity of direction helps us make the right decisions and choices – for us.

2) Inspiration: A life vision should be inspirational. If your life vision is ho-hum, you’re not going to want to do anything about it. Your life vision should align with your values, and be inspiring so that you WANT to take action towards it. The purpose of a life vision exercise or plan is to create a desirable future that helps you to focus your lives – and inspire you to take action towards it.

Here are 3 simple, but powerful one-page life vision exercises to help you connect with yourselves and what you truly want from life.

You can download the worksheets by clicking on hyperlink description.

  • Rocking Chair Life Vision Exercise. This is a writing or journaling exercise where you imagine being 90, happy, healthy and look back over your life and what you have achieved. This gives a broad life vision – and points to key life values which can be helpful when identifying your values.
  • Get Perspective Vision Exercise. This exercise asks you to detail where you want to be in 10 years, then 5, 2, 1 and 3 months time. The exercise deliberately works back from 10 years to the present day – this way you really get a sense of what you need to do NOW to make your 10 year goal happen.
  • 3 Month Vision Worksheet. This exercise asks you to consider where you would like to be in 3 months time in key life areas (eg. Personal Life, Home and Family, Health and Well-being, Career). Then asks for obstacles, who you need to be to achieve these goals.

When you complete these 3 life vision exercises in sequence you’ll get a broad overview of the vision you have for your life AND bring it right back to the present day/immediate future.

This helps you focus on what you need NOW to do to get moving in the next 3 months that fits beautifully into the overall vision you have for your life. And there is plenty of scope for additional coaching, homework around each of the exercises if you’d like assistance on them.

And 7 Other Great Life Vision Exercises or Life Planning Ideas:

1. What would you want said about you in your eulogy – or at their funeral/memorial service? What would be written on your tombstone?

2. Write about their “Ideal Day”. You should start your “Ideal Day” from when you wake up – and write out what you would like your day to be like – what you would do, how you would feel, who you would see, what you are working towards etc.

3. You could do a creative visualization exercise where you meet your future self and explore the life, relationships, environment etc. that your future self is living.

4. The magic wand question. If they had a magic wand, what life would you create for yourself? What would you do in the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and then 25 years?

5. You could also simply use the Wheel of Life, and ask what you would like your life to look like in each of the key areas? You could write a list of what you want in each of the wheel segments.

6. Also, you can make this experience even more memorable by turning the exercise into something ‘physical.’ How? Devote some time to your life visioning: Put pieces of paper on the floor representing the next 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and then 25 years. Now step on each piece of paper in sequence, close your eyes and then ask yourself some questions like:

  • What do you see/feel/hear?
  • Who is there with you?
  • Where are you?
  • What do you love about it?
  • Use the Wheel of Life Categories to ask what is going on in your life. Make verbal or written notes as go and then summaries and write this up in more detail.

7. Create a Vision Board for your LIFE.

Top Tip: The more you write, the more life vision exercises you do, the more detail you will get into. And the more rich and detailed your life vision is, the more inspiring it will be.

Like I said, there are endless ways to create a strategic life vision. Take an idea, play with it. Get creative and have fun!

“The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.” Og Mandino

If you’d like some assistance go ahead and request your Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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