Self-Actualization, Happiness and Success: Mental Strength Tip #161

Self-actualization is an essential aspect in personal growth and comes out of training your mental strength, physical strength, emotional strength and spiritual strength.
In order to progress in our human development we must take time to ask questions and contemplate various topics of personal growth, such as ‘what is self-actualization?’ which is exactly the intention of these virtual personal coaching sessions.
Personal success is achieved through the disciplined execution of a fully established personal development plan that includes some aspect of self-actualization.
This virtual personal coaching session is to assist you in your self-improvement, personal growth and personal development.
It is intended to create thoughts around self-actualization and self-fulfillment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.
I take a personal growth topic, in this case Self-Actualization, and give an overview about it. Then I’ll continue by asking a series of mental strength questions. I’ll wrap-up with a summary and some final thoughts.
Take your time with this topic, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down. Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself. But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.
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Objective this Mental Strength Tip on Self-Actualization:
To make sure you understand the difference between success, self-actualization/self-fulfillment and happiness. And that seeking self-fulfillment before success is one of the little known mental strength strategies of peak performers.
In this session I’m going to use self-actualization and self-fulfillment interchangeably. I know there are subtle difference and for the purpose of this post just go with it OK :-)?
Let’s Get Started:
Self-actualization is the art of obtaining your full potential and realizing the joy of the self-fulfillment. This is a goal that we would all share if the world were truly a perfect place. However, starting your own journey towards self-actualization is the best first step. We are, after all, responsible for the decisions and choices that we make for ourselves.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
- What is your formal definition of success?
- What is your formal definition of Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment and self-fulfillment?
- Do you believe success, fulfillment and happiness are connected?
Unsupportive Beliefs about Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
- Fulfillment comes from success.
- Self-fulfillment is unrelated to success.
- Self-actualization and happiness are the same thing.
Mental Strength Beliefs about Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
- Success, self-fulfillment and happiness are relates and can exist on their own.
- Success is normally a logical and straightforward goal.
- Self-actualization and happiness are energy, feelings and emotions that can occur naturally or be created in the mind.
Outrageous Questions about Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
- On a scale of 1-9, 9 being most fulfilled, how would you rate yourself?
- Which are you chasing harder: success or self-fulfillment?
- What are the immediate and long term effects of your focus?
- Do you love what you do so much, that if you had to you would do it for free?
- If not, is the lack of self-actualization and love for what you do limiting your personal success?
Reflective Questions about Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
- If you experienced self-actualization more often would be more successful?
- How much do you really love what you do?
- Or are you doing this just to pay bills?
- What percentage of your feelings of self-fulfillment come from your professional life?
Mental Strength Coaching on Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
The question still remains, how does this help you achieve success? The answer to that is many ways:
- First of all, self-actualization requires that you experience things fully. Since it is our experiences that shape us and define us, our experiences will also shape our successes.
- Second, by making choices that promote growth and experiencing the unknown rather than remaining within the confines of what we know, we are broadening our horizons as well as adding new experiences to draw from when faced with conflict and diversity in other areas of our lives.
- Third, by being completely honest with ourselves and accepting responsibility for our failures as well as our successes, we are actually achieving some degree of self-actualization through the very process and setting the stage for a much more successful future.
- And finally, by being realistic in your approach to problems and expectations in life you have an approach that is going to be much more logical when it comes to dealing with problems. This will serve you well on your journey to self-actualization and bring you success.
Final Thought on Self-actualization and Self-Fulfillment:
As most of us may confirm, it is difficult to be authentic, to feel and act as yourself, when you are starving, insecure, emotionally distraught, socially displaced or under-appreciated; and absolute financial poverty can certainly contribute to all of these conditions.
The importance of money, material wealth and social status are taught by social conventions and ingrained into the human psyche by messages received and repeated often, such as those of mass media and marketing.
To say, “I need more money to feel important,” or “If I had more money, I would be more secure financially, emotionally and socially,” is a function of what you have learned as a product of your environment.
Where people often make mistakes in life and in money is to measure success by monetary, material or social means; to make life goals financial goals. If money can truly meet the human needs of safety, belonging and esteem, then there would be no such thing as a financially wealthy person who is insecure, unloved or poorly regarded.