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How to Be a Modern Renaissance Man

Renaissance Man comes for the European Renaissance period that spanned the 14th – 17th centuries. It was during this era that men became famous for advancements in architecture, arts, mathematics, politics, science and writing. Perhaps most amazing is how much each of them ended up contributing to these categories. Artists also had their hand in politics, scientists crafted sculptures. During that time, no one was locked in a single platform during their lives, so they lived uninhibited, unlike modern man.

Another term that needs to be touched on is polymath. This means having learned too much in Greek. One of the goals you will lean here at Warrior Mind Coach is to provide relevant information, so that you too can become a modern Renaissance Man.

You will find that your goal is not to be satisfied in just mastering a single category, instead contributing and learning as much as you can. Since you can only live once, you don’t want to end up pigeonholing your life into a single profession. Doing so will limit the experiences that you have available.

To become a Renaissance Man, there are some things you need to have as your core pillars. You’ll want to review each of them separately, so make sure you check back routinely.

Core Pillars For A Renaissance Man

  • Core Pillar 1: Hunger for Knowledge
  • Core Pillar 2: Mastery of Skills
  • Core Pillar 3: Willingness to Fail
  • Core Pillar 4: Love of Life
  • Core Pillar 5: Unwavering Resolve

Along with these core pillars, there are eight additional aspects that you need to incorporate, if you want to be a modern Renaissance Man.

1. Be Talented Athletically. Looking over the Renaissance period, you will note that then men at the time were talented in a number of areas. They included ball, javelin, wrestling, romance, arrow shooting and more. Today, both men and women could participate in these options, while modern man is also required to follow a proper diet and to maintain physical fitness.

You need to monitor your intake of unhealthy food and drinks and avoid things like soda as much as possible. When you are working on your diet, monitor your weight and engage in smart physical activities like weight lifting, bicycling and others that will help your physique.

You should also work on achievable goals in your life. A true Renaissance man will never stop trying, instead working as hard as they can to give it their all. Even when goals are reached, they begin to set new ones up.

2. Be Musical and Artsy. Looking at the Renaissance period, you will notice that music played an important role. These individuals would sing, play instruments and even compose music. While many people today may not share the same passion about music, it is something that you should still incorporate into your life.

It can be useful to consider adding in something such as playing the piano, flute, harp or other instrument into your life in an effort to be useful. While writing music on your own isn’t a requirement, it can prove to be helpful. Also useful is learning how to draw and paint when possible. While some people are born with a natural talent, others are not, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t become familiar with an art.

3. Be Educated. During the Renaissance period, people were known for advancements in writing, astronomy, law, mathematics and other areas. If your occupation or interests include this, make sure you are learning all you can and boost your education. People during the Renaissance period worked on books, music, plays, studies law and learned all they could about the world. As a Renaissance Man, you want to have the same foundation they did.

4. Have a Good Family/Friend and Economic Life. During the Renaissance period, people were expected to be educated, to have good paying jobs and to have large weddings and families that consisted of ten people. In today’s economic situation, that might not be possible as you are already struggling to take care of your family. But the Renaissance Man can be stable in their home, offering their family what they can to ensure a healthy and happy relationship. Marriages are no longer arranged and you do have more of a say in what happens in your home today.

Keep in mind that animals too were respected and cherished in the Renaissance period, so you should care and love this animal with your entire heart and soul.

5. Be Brave. The Renaissance Man would always go to war and fight for their country, spouse and family. In fact, they were very warlike at the time. Today, Modern Man doesn’t need this to show they are brave, since fighting is socially unacceptable. However, there are things you can do. Back in the days of the Renaissance, life expectancy was low and children often died when they were young. Today, you can be brave against sickness and death, while facing the ups and downs of health conditions.

6. Be Thoughtful and Generous. Helping and assisting others was also very big in the Renaissance period. People were there for each other in times of trouble and it would be expected of them. A tenth of the income from people back in the day went to the church and they were expected to give goods and money to those who were less than fortunate.

Today, charity is also a big portion of people’s life. Children ask for donations today and there are times when charitable efforts ramp up, such as around the holidays. There are even businesses that devote their efforts to helping the sick, poor and healthy. You can help out and donate your time to these companies to help, leaving people thinking you are a Renaissance Man from 600 years ago.

7. Be courteous. Revive chivalry. During the Renaissance period, your etiquette was considered to be a vital part of life. There were books about how you should act during the time, such as The Courtier or The Prince. Similar books are available for those who want to live like the Renaissance Man. They include Tiffany’s Table Manners for Teenagers or American Girl’s A (smart) Girl’s Guide to Manners.

Regardless of whether or not you have read them, you should be polite to your elders and respectful of your neighbor. You should be gentle, reserved and modest. You should have excellent etiquette when dealing with the opposite sex and have good manners if you are entertaining. For more on courtesy take a moment to read this article:

8. Be a Leader. The true Renaissance Man is someone who will care and help others in need. You shouldn’t teach others about being this kind of man by any means, or correct others who do not follow this idea. Instead, if they ask for help, give them gentle tips. Otherwise, inspire those around you with your talents.

You are your biggest supporter.

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