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Mental Strength



Release Your Personal Power

When we look at a certain object, a fine piece of art… a painting for example, and we’re standing only inches away we mental strengthwon’t be able to appreciate the entire picture.  Sure we may enjoy the details, but we may also find the “imperfections.”  When we step back and then look at the painting, that’s when we get a complete picture and all its beauty.  

We all arrive at a point in our lives when we are ready for change and we have access to numerous amounts of information that will help us unlock our personal power. But until that time we can be staring at something right under our nose but we don’t see it.  It seems like the only time we think of increasing our personal power is when “everything” goes to sh*&.

You’ve heard the frog story right?   

Place a frog in a pot of boiling water.

What happens?

He jumps out!


Because he is not able to tolerate sudden change in his environment…its’ way too hot!

Now place a different frog into warm water, and then slowly turn the heat up.

What happens?

The frog gets used to the slow increase in its environment and becomes someone’s dinner   

Many people are like the second frog.

We learn our lessons when we experience pain. We increase our mental strength by facing and pushing through resistance.   The key is we must be attentive enough to see the warning signs that things about to become tough.  Then we must push through as opposed to back off.

When do we realize that we need to change diets and start working out? When our clothes don’t fit anymore.  We can then either back off the pain and buy bigger size clothes, or face the pain, push thought it by taking up a healthy exercise or diet program.

Unfortunately the only time we ever embrace our personal power is when the whole world is crashing and falling apart. We’re frustrated and angry because we perceive that change is not easy.  Change is very easy….it’s the resistance to change that’s hard. 

Here’s a saying I love…”You don’t wait till you’re thirsty to dig a well”

Change will happen, like it or not. At one point or another, we are all going to experience different turning points in our life – and we are all going to eventually have to dig deep and embrace our personal power not because the world says so, not because our friends are nagging us, but because we realized it’s for our own good.

We are all more powerful then we think.  I’m sure you can think back to at least one situation that required tremendous personal power to make it thought can’t you?

The question is…how did you feel about it?

You see, happy, successful and accomplished people don’t just accept change, they embrace it.

You don’t have to put into a pot of boiling water before realizing the need for personal power.  Unlocking your personal power means moving from ‘effect’ to ‘cause’ and removing all excuses and reason why you are the way you are and look for reasons to be the way you want to be.

Tony Robbins discusses in his “Personal Breakthrough” site, four crucial steps to taking back your personal power.

Step 1 – Identify Where You Live Emotionally

Identify all the empowering and disempowering emotions you feel at least once a week.   Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle.  On one side write all the empowering emotions and on the other side right all the disempowering emotions.  Then identify the top 2 or 3 disempowering emotions you wish you to change.

Step 2 – Identify the Antidote Emotion  

Look at your identified top disempowering emotions, turn them 180º…what is that emotion? For example you feel fear…the antidote would be courage.   Find the antidote for your top disempowering emotions and write them down next to the disempowering emotions.

Step 3 – Practice the New Emotion

So for the example above, when you feel fear, how you would feel if you had courage instead?  Really feel it, stand the way you’d fell, talk the way you’d talk.  Perform this exercise several times a day for each of three disempowering emotions.

Step 4 – Condition the New Emotion

This is where repetition comes in.  By constantly practicing shifting states you’ll be soon be able to shift automatically. Then the new emotion becomes conditioned.

With NLP, Time Empowerment®, hypnosis you can improve your mental strength so that the above steps can be performed swiftly and you’ll begin to experience your personal power almost immediately!  

You can find out more about Tony Robbins “Breakthrough” here.

If you’d like assistance in going through the above steps and start to embrace your personal power Contact Me.

OK…your turn…let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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