Reframing and How to Change Your Past: Mental Strength Tip #154

How to Change Your Past with Reframing
Emotional strength is an essential for personal growth and if we let the not so pleasant experiences of the past continue to haunt us, we will neither grow emotionally or personally.
In order to progress in our human development we must look back at our experiences and learn how to change our past. One of the best methods to how to forget our past is through the process called reframing.
Actually, you won’t forget your past, it’s more changing your past.
You see, personal success is achieved through the disciplined execution of a fully established personal development plan, which includes learning how to forget your past through cognitive reframing.
This virtual personal coaching session is to assist you with your self-improvement, personal growth and personal development.
It is intended to create self-empowerment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.
I take a personal growth topic, in this case emotional strength, and give an overview about it, i.e. how to forget your past. Then I’ll continue by asking a series of mental strength questions. I’ll wrap-up with a summary and some final thoughts.
Take your time with this topic, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down. Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself. But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.
[color-box]How’s our mental strength? Find out exactly how mentally strong you are with a complimentary Mental Strength Assessment. To take it, just go HERE[/color-box]
Objective of this Mental Strength Tip On How To Forget The Past.
To teach you how to alter your perception of past events that drain you mentally and emotionally.
Let’s Get Started:
Have you ever wondered how some people always manage to achieve success in life even when they are going through traumatic events or situations?
What’s their secret?
I’ve researched what the most successful people do when the going gets tough and there’s one killer technique that I’m going to share with you today that you can start using immediately.
It’s called reframing.
Reframing is based on the idea that all meaning depends on your point of view. To reframe something is to change its meaning by putting it in a different setting, context or frame. For instance, a nasty experience can seem funny when put in a long- term frame. It is one of the most useful mental strength techniques.
The meaning of any event depends on how we frame it. When we change the frame we change the meaning and with it our responses and behaviors, effectively changing our past.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about How To Forget Your Past:
- Is it possible to change the way you feel about painful events in the past?
- What’s the advantage of reframing past events?
- Why don’t more people reframe painful past experiences?
Unsupportive Beliefs about How to Forget Your Past
- I can’t change the way I feel about the past.
- I can’t help the way I feel.
- It’s best not to think about the past.
Mental Strength Beliefs about How to Forget Your Past
- Any feeling of an experience can be changed by reframing.
- Painful past events can create a positive benefit through reframing.
- Reframing helps improve feelings, emotional strength and wellbeing.
Outrageous Questions:
- How often do your painful past events come into your thinking?
- Are your painful past events creating or draining your mental and emotional energy?
- Are you angry about a past event you could reframe to create positive and supportive energy?
Reflective Questions:
- How would you use this new found perceptive, mental energy and emotional energy?
- How many painful past experiences do you revisit every day?
- Would you be more successful, fulfilled and happier if you become a mental strength master at reframing?
Mental Strength Coaching:
If a person has a sensory experience which they don’t like, what they don’t like is their response to it.
One way of changing the response is to understand that the response itself is not based on what is going on in sensory experience – it is based on the meaning that the person applies to the experience.
If you change what an experience means to a person you’ll change their response to it.
Just as we can change our response to a work of art by placing it in a different frame, we can change our response to an experience by placing that experience in a different frame – effectively reframing that experience.
The two forms of reframing are context and content.
Final Thought
Reframing is simply changing the meaning of an event or experience, in the way that placing a picture in a different picture frame somehow changes the look of it.
Human beings are meaning making machines and we learn the meaning of things from an early age from our individual culture and the significant others in our lives. The meaning or ‘frame’ that we place on something has a significant impact on how we respond to it.
Frames are often described as being negative or positive, out of our control or in our control and we come across them in everyday situations. For example:
‘I made a real mess of that’ vs. ‘I did my best and can learn a few things’
‘They made me so angry when they said that’ vs. ‘I chose to let that person wind me up’
Get started today on how to forget your past and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.