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Quantum Consciousness and Human Potential – Part 3

Last week we continued the discussion on human potential and quantum consciousness.

During the last two posts I mentioned that one of the biggest aspects we need to consider is what limits we consciously or unconsciously put on ourselves. That we need to think greater than our current state of being and think outside our limited view to see the potential we have.  Once we “see” our human potential we can then set about exceeding it.

This requires us to be aware, especially to be aware of our limiting beliefs and thinking.

You see, we have been programmed to look at our human potential as being finite.

Well it’s time to change that!

We’re now going to upgrade your awareness, and look at the new consciousness from a quantum physics perspective. Not being a quantum scientist, I will make this as simple and as basic as possible.

Here are the last three basic building blocks of Quantum Physics that you should know about:

8. You Create Your Reality

“Your beliefs become your thoughts.

Your thoughts become your words.

Your words become your actions.

Your actions become your habits.

Your habits become your values.

Your values become your destiny.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

You are creating your Reality all of the time. You are manifesting all of the time. In fact, it’s impossible not to manifest. Your observations alter your reality, just as a scientist alters a photon, simply by observing it.

Physicist John Wheeler calls this a “Participatory Universe”. Reality doesn’t even exist until it’s observed.


What does this mean?

This means that your thoughts and emotions are infinitely more powerful than you can imagine…in a sense, your human potential is unlimited!

Most of the time, our observations are unconscious. We construct mental fables around the events of our lives, when we aren’t even thinking about it. These fables become the energetic blueprints for our future experiences.

Here’s the mind-boggling part. What you are experiencing in your life today is the direct result of what you were thinking about in your recent past. You literally created the Reality you are living in right now. You are now harvesting the dream seeds (good and bad) that were planted in your brain a few hours, weeks or months ago.

Reality is an “inside job.” You create your Reality, through your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Some call this the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts and beliefs are powerful magnets, attracting similar thoughts to them. Thought is the most powerful force in the known Universe. Quantum Physics grounds the Law of Attraction scientifically, by verifying all of this under a microscope.

9. Collapsing the Wave

Here’s another way of looking at all of this. Each of us exists in our own Quantum Pond. Remember, we aren’t talking about a real pond of water here. We’re talking about a field of energy.

You are the pebble, thrown into the center of your own quantum pond. The ripples that form are your thought waves, coming out from your own consciousness. But your quantum pond is part of a greater Quantum Ocean. There are Wave Patterns in the greater common ocean, which intersect with your personal thought waves.

When these external wave patterns intersect with your own thought waves, they are called Interference Patterns.

When Galileo put forth his own thought wave – that the world is round and that it rotates around the sun – his thought wave ran into an interference pattern with the popular belief that the earth was flat. He was told to recant his theory or face execution. Galileo complied…9-11 sent some huge thought waves into motion. 300 million people believed, based on what they “saw”, that 9-11 was the act of a few Muslim terrorists. This thought wave became a massive tidal wave of emotion, big enough to propel us into war. 9-11 was the “point of conception”, when a lot of our current paradigms were born. How do you collapse a wave (or in this case, a tsunami) that massive?

The more people there are who share a common belief, the bigger the wave pattern behind that belief becomes. The more people there are who share a common paradigm, the bigger the interference pattern is, if your thoughts and beliefs collide with the collective paradigm.

The New State of Collapse is about collapsing old thought waves and belief patterns that no longer serve us. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Telling the truth can collapse a wave of deceit. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. used truth and logic to collapse the false paradigms of their time.
  1. Emotional release. Both laughing and crying break up dense energies connected with negative thought patterns and belief structures.
  1. Bringing in a higher thought vibration and collapsing dense frequency waves with focused intention. Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa used focused intention, to bring in higher vibratory states of love, non-violence and service to humanity.

What you are learning to do is collapse the quantum wave function, beyond the grid of three-dimensional space and time. Just by reading these posts, you have begun to do this.

10. You are the One.

Let me share a story with you. There was a psychologist named Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. While he worked there, Dr. Hew Len cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients without seeing any of them.

How did he do it?

He’d review an inmate’s chart and while he was looking at the chart, he’d look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he healed himself, the patient began to heal.

In “Zero Limits”, author Joe Vitale writes, “that ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.”

But Dr. Hew Len says that, “After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely. Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed.

“Not only that, but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.”

What did Dr. Hew Len say to himself, over and over again to heal his patients? “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.” That’s all.

“I was simply healing the part of me that created them,” he said.

Dr. Hew Len was applying an ancient practice called Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono means, “to make right.”

In the quantum sense, everything in this “Participatory Universe” is your own creation. It’s all a holographic projection. Reality is a movie and the projector is inside your brain. Everything in existence came out of your own thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

This means that everything in the Concrete Universe is a holographic projection. None of it exists, except as a projection from inside of you. Therefore, it’s up to you to heal them.

You are the One. Loving yourself is the key. According to Ho’oponopono , it’s that simple. As you love yourself, you heal yourself and as you heal yourself, you improve the world. Love collapses the tsunami wave of fear, division and reactivity.

You are the One doesn’t mean that you are more special or more important than the next person. It doesn’t mean that the world’s problems are all your fault. It simply means that there is no out there. If I’m angry with you, I’m angry with myself. If I love you, I love myself.

You are a holographic projection of my own consciousness. Self is Universe. There’s no distinction between you and me, or between self and Universe. It’s all in here.

Now, we can understand the effect that a Mahatma Gandhi or a Mother Theresa had on their “quantum pond”. Each recognized that they were “The One”. It was up to them to change the Universe that they created. And they did. Now, it’s up to you.

I hope you enjoyed this series on.  To go more in-depth on this, pick up a copy of Develop The Mental Strength of a Warrior today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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