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4 Productivity Tips To Help You Gain Momentum in Life

We would all like to increase our productivity, but it is easy to get stuck in the same habits and routines.  If we keep doing the same thing we’ve always done, however, we will keep getting the results we always have.

Even if we would like to change some things and move toward excellence, it’s hard to know exactly what we ought to change. Thinking outside the proverbial box is difficult when you are stuck inside the box!

In order to help you get out of the box and on the road to greater productivity, I’ve assembled some great productivity tips.  You do not have to implement every single one of these to notice a difference.  Just select the ones that seem most useful to you and give them a try.

4 Compelling Productivity Tips

1.  Make a Quit List.  A quit list is simply a list of things that you typically engage in but which are not helping you increase your productive or reach your goals, so you need to stop doing them. They may, in fact, be hindering you.  What is not working for you?  Do you stay up so late that you can’t get started on time in the morning?  Maybe you keep gaining weight because you drink a sugared coffee every afternoon.  Are you in the habit of spending too much time chatting with a coworker or a friend on the phone every morning so that you lose valuable, creative time?

These activities are holding you back and keeping you from getting the traction that you need to move forward.  Take an honest look at your day and habits, and decide what you need to quit doing.  By eliminating the dead weight from your schedule, you will have more energy and creativity to devote to your goals.

[color-box]Download Your Free Worksheet – “What I Need To Release” HERE[/color-box]

2.  Change Your Schedule.  Sometimes, simply changing your schedule around leads to a fresh perspective and greater productivity.  Try getting up an hour earlier or staying up an hour later.  You might find that your creative juices respond to the different schedule.  You may tap into a hidden source of energy that you did not know was there when you change up your work times.

3.  Say No To Multi-Tasking.  If you try to do too many things at the same time, you will do none of those things well.  Productivity comes when you pick a task to work on and devote yourself to it 100%.  You will accomplish much more and do a much better job if you fight hard to laser focus on one thing at a time.

4.  Get Some Help.  If you typically go it alone, it’s time for some fresh perspective.  The most successful people surround themselves a mastermind group.  This group of people offers new ideas, suggestions, motivation and even admonishment when needed.  Create your own mastermind group and watch your productivity explode!

I hope these tips will be you increase your productivity and remember to download your free worksheet “What Do I Need To Let Go Of?”

You are your biggest supporter.

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