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Personal Mastery: How Do You Develop It?

It’s easy to get bogged down with specifics in the regular day to day life. You might get fixated on doing better in work, or getting a score on a

Personal Mastery

Jennifer LaGuardia demonstrating personal mastery

test. But the truth is that it can help to go back a step and build your life on a more basic level. Once you master your own mind and body, doing everything else will become much easier. If you don’t figure out personal mastery, all sorts of internal blocks can pop up throughout your quest to accomplish just about anything. So the best approach is to work on personal mastery first

So, How Do You Develop Personal Mastery?

One of the first questions when it comes to personal mastery is ‘How do you develop it?’ The best approach to developing personal mastery is to take a few tips in mind and work on one at a time. You can develop exercises for figuring out each of these and then mark your progress as you go through them and figure out how you’re doing at making sure you keep up with your development over time. Here are a few examples for ways to measure yourself and tips for improving

Setting Goals and Taking Action

One of the first ways to answer the question “How do you develop it?” in terms of personal development is to set reasonable goals and then constantly take action to achieve them. The thing is, it’s important to realize that part of the need for setting goals isn’t just because the particular goals your setting are important by themselves individually. In many cases they might be of course, especially if they help you answer your “how do you develop it?” question in terms of personal mastery.

But even if the goals are something else, something minor, taking every day actions towards those goals can help you achieve personal mastery all by themselves. This is because personal mastery is in many cases about personal confidence. It may not seem like it, but even meeting the tiniest goals can have a huge effect on how you interact with yourself.

It may sound strange, but the relationship you have with yourself is in many ways not much different than the relationships you have with anyone else. And the fact is, even if you really desperately want to trust someone else, if that person lies to you constantly, you won’t be able to physically force yourself to be confident in them if that’s what they’re doing all the time.

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The same thing applies to how you feel about yourself. So, just like in the case of being betrayed by a friend, the key is to start small. If someone else can keep small promises, trust can be restored again. This also applies to the self. You tell yourself you’re going to do something, and you take steps to get there, you’ll be surprised just how great you’ll feel, and just how far it will go towards making you feel like you have mastery over how you feel and what you do.

Let Go of Negativity

It’s easy to get obsessed about the things you’ve done in the past that you regret, or that you think you could have done better. But the problem is, this way of thinking can really pull you down. You can get obsessed in proving something to yourself that is totally unnecessary, or alternatively, you can become secretly convinced that you can’t do something that you can actually do. So when thinking about self-mastery and asking yourself the question- How do you develop it?- the first step is almost always understanding why you are having trouble and specifically, figuring out what negative thoughts you are allowing to course through your brain. That stuff is poison.

Ask the Right Questions

The way to get to the core of the ‘How do you develop it?’ question is to get good at asking yourself the right questions. Instead of getting stuck in asking yourself questions over and over again like ‘why am I so bad at this?’ you can learn to ask more helpful questions such as ‘what is it about this activity that frightens me?’ Alternatively you might ask yourself questions like “what’s getting in the way in my head when I try to do this?”

Once you learn to ask the right questions you’ll be able to answer the most important one regarding self-mastery, which is how do you develop it?

Become an expert at personal mastery, pick up a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!

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