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Warrior Mind Podcast



Personal Fulfillment: Warrior Mind Podcast #181

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post “Fulfillment And Personal Success.”

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The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you make the distinction between personal success and personal fulfillment.

For many people today the size of their paycheck is not all-important. Above all, they want a career that offers opportunities for both professional and personal fulfillment.

Professional satisfaction now affects everything from individual happiness and family stability to business and company profits and national economic competitiveness.

It contributes to motivation and plays a crucial role in people’s performance of and commitment to their work. Simply put, the more people like what they’re doing for a living, the more motivated they’ll put forth the effort and focus that success demands and their dreams need.

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Enjoy This Warrior Mind Podcast on Personal Fulfillment

Personal fulfillment is achievement of life goals which are important to an individual, in contrast to the goals of society, family and other collective obligations.

Personal fulfillment is an ongoing journey for a human individual. It commences when an individual starts becoming conscious of oneself & one’s surroundings. It is then that one’s exploration begins to realize what one is capable of. Like the tentative steps of a child that invariably leads to a few falls followed by seeking for some help from people around.

Then the joy of achievement when one can successfully take a few steps without falling. The appreciation of people around is a key component of achieving personal fulfillment. It is invariably followed by a sense of habitually (i.e. being able to perform any act e.g. walking, habitually). Then boredom. Followed by a yearning for the next horizon, whatever it may be for an individual.

Key components then of personal fulfillment are:

  1. Consciousness – of oneself & the environment
  2. Consciousness – of people around oneself
  3. Exploration – of something new that one may be capable of
  4. Initial failure – as your initial attempts at exploration leads to stumbles & falls
  5. Resilience – trying again & again till such time that one does not stumble & fall
  6. Experiencing joy – of having tried & achieved something new
  7. Praise & applause – of those around; especially of the ones that you value
  8. Boredom – as one performs the ‘not so new anymore’ task as a matter of habit
  9. Then back to step 3 for something new to explore
  10. The cycle continuing throughout one’s life as the individual grows & expands into newer & unexplored dimensions of personal fulfillment

Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It has been defined as: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of self-hood, and the executive control system of the mind.

Consciousness of the self is a complex experience for an individual being. A prime aspect of consciousness and awareness of the self is the awakening to one’s capabilities & potential. The awakening to one’s capabilities & potential is a continuous process throughout the period of existence of a being – from the birth of the physical being threw the expiration of the same. Inherent to this process of being is a drive or a force that seems t be part & parcel of being in the physical being on earth.

This drive manifests itself from the start of one’s being – like a child crying as soon as it is born. It is the awakening of the child to its capabilities of exercising its vocal chords. The drive continues through the life of one’s being (albeit in varying degrees of forcefulness & momentum at various points in time) through to death of the physical being as we know. This drive is primal & is the single force that leads to exploration.

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