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Mental Strength



NLP Training – Day 3

a Oreo cookie broken in half with a stack of O...
Image via Wikipedia

Today we moved on to Submodalities, anchoring  and affecting change.  Today was filled with more hands on experience then lecture 🙂

Submodalities – How we encode and give meaning to our internal representations.  By changing the Submodalities we can change the meaning of the internal representation.

Submodalities are the “qualities” of the internal representation, i.e. color, black & white, close or far, bright or dim, loud or soft, etc.

  • Submodalities Change Techniques
    • Contrast Analysis
    • Mapping Across (Like to Dislike)
    • Swish Pattern
    • Dissociative Techniques
    • Perceptual Positions

Contrast Analysis – Comparing the qualities of two internal representations

Mapping Across (Like to Dislike)

Mapping an internal representation of something you like (and prefer not to) to something you don’t like.

Swish Pattern

Involves replacing one internal representation or picture of an undesired behavior/state with an internal representation of a desired behavior or state.

It was fascinating how well both these process worked!  Everyone in the training did at least one of both of the techniques and changed some major habits.

I wanted to “quite” Oreo cookies ….yea I know, they are so, so good and I wanted to quit them anyway.  So I mapped Oreo cookies to anchovies.  Believe me…I have NO desire for Oreo cookies anymore.   This is just a very simple example of how powerful Mapping Across is.

For the Swish Pattern I had a VERY bad habit of picking and biting my nails.  Without getting into too much detail…it was really bad!  After the Swish Pattern…gone 🙂  No more habit.

We are all amazed at how powerful and easy change really is when using the correct processes. 


To be able to anchor (establish and fixed point) a state in a person at any time in any modality.

Any time a person is in an associated, intense state, i.e. confident, happy, powerful, if at the peak of that experience, a specific stimulus is applied, and then the two will be linked together neurologically, like touching your thumb and forefinger together just after you’ve won a race.

Anchoring can assist a person in gaining access to past states and linking the past state to a present and future state, i.e. your at a new race, you touch your thumb and forefinger together just before you run the race…the “old” felling of what it’s like to win comes back and assists you in running this race.

Simple Anchor

Using one state and one anchor location

Stacked Anchor

Using multiple positive states on one anchor location

Collapse Anchor

Using a stacked anchor (or positive states) to “override” a simple anchor of a negative sate thus naturalizing the negative sate.

The more I get exposed, learn about and use NLP, the more I understand how it is a fantastic tool for developing mental strength, personal empowerment and affecting personal and professional performance.

I’d like to hear your comments below and if you’d to find out more about NLP please check out

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