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Mental Strength



NLP Training – Day 1

It’s been great first day of NLP training with Dr. Matthew James and my head is about to explode!  I can’t imagine what it will feel like at the end of day 8!mental strength

To help me comprehend the material I created an overview/outline of day one.  I though it would be interesting to share this with you so that you might begin to contemplate the results you’re getting in life and know that you can do something to improve them.

You can find a validation for or against any belief or position, which one do I choose to focus on? The ones that support what you want or the ones that do not support what you want?


  • Empowerment
  • Perception is Projection
  • Nero Transmitter baths every cell in out body
  • Responsibility for Change


  • Cause & Effect
    • Your either on the cause side or the effect side – you have a choice. 
  • At some level you have created every experience (for some learning) and will continue to get these experiences until the learning is understood.
  • Cause = Responsibility
  • Effect = Reason (excuses)
  • This is not about fault it’s about taking responsibility
  • The goal in life is move from Effect to Cause
  • Focus on what you want – not what you don’t want
  • I am a caring person and I don’t care about your excuses, I care about your results.
  • There are many areas of life where you are at cause (reasonable for the results), i.e. paying bills.
  • You are the captain of your ship, pilot of your plane and driver of your bus. 
  • Empowerment is using tools and techniques to move from the effect side to the cause side and then create my life the way I want to.

Perception is Projection

  • 2 M bits of information coming into us
  • 126 bits of info make it to our conscious awareness
  • We generalize, delete or distort the info 
  • Internal representation
    • VAKOG (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory) 
    • 7 +- 2 chunks of info
    • NLP helps change the internal representation
  • State
    • Emotions, feelings
    • Time empowerment helps remove negative emotions, i.e. anger, fear, sadness, guilt
    • Our sate assists in determining our experience
  • Physiology 
    • Behavior is unconscious
    • Change the physical change the state and internal representation, but only temporary.
  • It is through our values, beliefs, experiences, and “knowledge” that we create our filters and hence our experience…our ‘reality.’
  • We can change these filters at anytime to allow more ‘positive’ and supportive information into our conscious.
  • Change all three aspects, i.e. Internal Representation, State and Physiology then change is permanent 

Nero Transmitter (chemical)

  • Everywhere in our body, not just the brain
  • Mind/Body connection
  • Every cell in our body is bathed in our thoughts
  • The world we experience in completely in our head (internal representation)
  • There are more neurological connections in the human body and brain then stars in the sky and sand on the all the beaches.  Our cells are bathed in our thoughts.


  • We are the only one responsible for our change and results
  • Through mental strength process like NLP, hypnosis, Time Empowerment we can make the change happen easily and swiftly
  • I create my life and the way I want it.
  • I’m in charge of rapport


  • A ‘do with’ process as opposed to a ‘do to’ process
  • Our words don’t describe our world, they create it.
  • Outcome – know what you want
  • Rapport – Developing flexibility
  • Language – Communication has an affect
  • Sensory Acuity – Knowing when you are getting what you want.
  • NLP is essentially a pattern interrupt


  • All learning, behavior and change is at the unconscious level 
  • If the unconscious is not cleared of negative baggage, i.e. anger, sadness, fear, guilt, it cannot be aligned with the conscious, the Law of Attraction and all its’ techniques will not work. 
  • When the unconscious is cleared of negative baggage and aligned with the conscious The Law of Attraction works perfectly   

Please let me know what area you would like me to go into more detail in the comments below.  Also, if you’d like to learn more about NLP training please visit –

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