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Mental Strength



Negative Mind, Negative Ideas, Mental Strength and Blessings

American self-help writer Napoleon Hill (1883-...
Image via Wikipedia

It’s a physical impossibility for a negative mind to create positive thoughts. Whenever you permit yourself to focus on the negative elements of life, negative thinking grows to fill all of your thoughts until there’s no space for positive thoughts to develop. It becomes a never-ending cycle. The habit of negative thinking produces increasingly more negative thoughts, which your mind attempts to transform into physical reality.

The effect is certainly a life of despair as well as hopelessness. Cultivate the mental strength practice of clearing away negative thoughts the second they surface. Begin small at first. When you initially hear that inner voice saying, “I can’t do this,” put the thought out of your mind instantly. Instead, focus on the task itself. Break it down into workable pieces and finish them one at a time. Once the task is completed, tell your doubting self: “You were completely wrong. I can do it, and I did!”  Now you’re on the road to personal success.

Now that you’re on the road to personal success and peak performance, what are you going to do on the way and when you “arrive?”

Are you going to buy a new car, perhaps a house?  Maybe invest the money?  What ever you decide I would like to suggest that sharing your abundance is one of the best avenues for personal development. 

Here’s what Napoleon Hill says about the “Willingness to Share One’s Blessings:”

“He who has not learned the blessed art of sharing has not learned the true path of happiness, for happiness comes only by sharing. And let it be forever remembered that all riches may be embellished and multiplied by the simple process of sharing them where they may serve others. And let it be also remembered that the space one occupies in the hearts of his fellowmen is determined precisely by the service he renders through some form of sharing his blessings.

Riches which are not shared, whether they be material riches or the intangibles, wither and die like the rose on a severed stem, for it is one of Nature’s first laws that inaction and disuse lead to decay and death, and this law applies to the material possessions of men just as it applies to the living cells of every physical body”.Source: The Master-Key to Riches. Fawcett Crest Book. 1965, pg. 22.

Even when we haven’t reached our personal success destination we would be wise to share whatever we have.  If you read the above again carefully Dr. Hill never mentions money, but rather “blessings.”  Blessings can take many forms and be shared in a mutilated of ways.

  • Do have a good voice?  Read a book for the audio library for the blind
  • Have lots of energy?   Share it with the Special Olympics
  • Good with your hands?  Share that with Habitat for Humanity

We all have an abundance of blessings that we can share.  Sure our blessings can include money and wealth but if we put all our attention on money as blessing, we’ll miss all the other blessings in our life.

As Bruce Lee once said …” It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.

Here’s the “Creed for Riches” from Dr. Napoleon Hill

“I give thanks daily, not for mere riches, but for wisdom with which to recognize, embrace, and properly use the great abundance of riches I now have at my command. I have no enemies because I injure no man for any cause, but I try to benefit all with whom I come in contact, by teaching them the way to enduring riches. I have more material wealth than I need because I am free from greed and covet only the material things I can use while I live.” – Source: PMA Science of Success Course. Pg. 25

Perhaps it would be worth copying and printing this out and contemplate it daily for the next 30-days.   By applying this mental training you will be using the power of your subconsciousness to develop a success mindset and start to truly live you peak potential.

I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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