Understanding Midlife Crisis Symptoms And What Midlife Really Is
If you have an interest in learning what midlife is really all about, it is quite likely that you feel that you are currently experiencing midlife crisis symptoms. These midlife crisis symptoms have the largest impact on individuals as young as 37 and as old as 59. The concept of this type of life crisis first emerged in the year 1965 by the Canadian psychoanalyst who was also recognized as an organizational psychologist, Elliot Jaques.
The description of the crisis that individuals experienced at later stages in life was outlined as being a normal transition in which individuals felt that they went from being “young” to being “old”. During this time period, it was found that adults commonly evaluated the achievements that they had experienced in life, as well as their failures.
Many compared the reality of achieving their goals and dreams to what they originally planned and dreamed of, and came to terms with the period of life that they were currently facing. For many, the midlife crisis symptoms consisted of emotional pain, feelings of loss, and even despair.
The Midlife Crisis Defined
The midlife crisis is defined as a period of time in an individual’s life in which they start to understand, realize, and face their mortality. These people immediately realize that their days are limited, and come to terms with the fact that they may not have very much time left. It is during this time period that many start to understand that their lives are at least halfway over, or more than halfway over.
Midlife crisis symptoms are often initiated by the onset of certain experiences, or transitions that occur within life that bridge the gap between a person’s youth and what they consider to be old age. Midlife is a period of time when each of us has directly experienced a good portion of what life has to offer us. As a result of this fact, we have the capability of predicting most of the future outcomes that we will directly experience.
Life experiences are encountered with less hope, less anticipation, and we often feel that there is nothing to look forward to, with the exception of sameness, aging, and eventually, dying. The midlife crisis is an emotionally painful and extremely difficult period in life.
The Triggers
There are many reasons why an individual may experience midlife crisis symptoms. These reasons are often referred to as “triggers”. In many instances, the onset of the symptoms is a direct result of the aging process. In other instances, the symptoms may develop as a result of changes that start to develop at a certain age, problems that may be experienced, and even the development of regrets in regards to certain events, situations, and people. The following outlines the most common triggers associated with midlife crisis symptoms:
- Many may experience a midlife crisis when they realize that they are unhappy with the work that they engage in, or the career path that they have chosen for their lives. If the individual does not have suitable work to perform or no job at all, this, too, has the potential to result in midlife crisis symptoms.
- Numerous people that experience the symptoms of a midlife crisis do so because of the fact that they are not content with the relationship that they are part of, or, because they are not in a relationship at all.
- It is quite common for individuals to experience a midlife crisis when their children have reached the age of maturity, or, when they have left home.
- Midlife crisis symptoms may start when a person’s parent or parents have started to age or have passed away due to age or illness.
- Many experience a midlife crisis when they start to experience the physical changes that often accompany the aging process.
- The onset of andropause in men and/or menopause in women may lead to the development of a midlife crisis.
Midlife Crisis Symptoms and Signs
When an individual starts to experience midlife crisis symptoms, they will often start to feel as if a change is necessary in life. These individuals often awake to each day with dread, regret, and perhaps, a vast amount of emptiness. It is not at all uncommon for sufferers to feel as if it is time for a change in their life due to feeling as if there is nothing but monotony from one day to the next.
Many may try to do something a little different, or purchase items that they feel will bring them happiness – such as joining a club, switching jobs, moving, purchasing a new car, or even buying a new wardrobe. Unfortunately, these people often find that the changes that they attempt to make or the items that they attempt to purchase only provides minimal amounts of happiness. They find that they are unable to change their new found identity as an aging adult and are unable to appropriately reconnect with their youth.
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The most common midlife crisis symptoms that individuals experience are attempts to uncover who they are, and defining their purpose in life. Many reflect on the years and experience regret, sadness, and despair. Many individuals find that they have a longing to make changes in their life, but they are unsure as to what changes need to be made and how to go about making those changes.
There is often a great amount of emotional turmoil, emptiness, and despair experienced when midlife crisis symptoms start to emerge. The following outlines additional signs that may be experienced during this potentially challenging time:
- Many individuals will try to cope with the crisis that they are facing by altering the habits that they engage in, changing their schedules and even attempting to take on new challenges.
- It is common to experience bouts of irritability, severe mood swings, and anger.
- Many will start to make decisions in a hasty and irrational manner because they feel as if they are running out of time.
- Being that the mind works harder during a midlife crisis, it is quite possible that the person will have trouble falling sleep and staying asleep. There are many people that may find that they sleep too much.
- Many people may start to obsess over their appearance. These people may change their hairstyle, their wardrobe, and their exercise habits in order to appear more visibly attractive.
- The next sign is that the individual may start to feel as if they are tied down in their lives. Many may experience hopelessness with this thought of being stuck.
- It is common for many to start thinking about the fact that they will die. It is very common for a person to consider their own mortality as part of a midlife crisis.
- Many adults going through this phase in their life may feel as if they are unfulfilled in their careers and may attempt to change careers, or go back to school.
- Depression and anxiety may be experienced.
- There are numerous sufferers that may feel bored and start to engage in activities that are daring, or increase their consumption of alcohol.
In Wrapping Up…
Experiencing midlife crisis symptoms is not an easy task; however, it does not have to be a challenging one. While it is overwhelming to cope with the emptiness, despair, and other emotional challenges that naturally occur during a midlife crisis, this period of life is not considered to be inherently negative.
By simply learning as much as you are able to about this period of life, planning for the emotions and events that you will experience, and enlisting the assistance of others to help you cope with the challenges that you will likely face, you will find that the midlife crisis symptoms that you experience are minimal.
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