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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #53 – Future Focus and Personal Success

Welcome back to another Mental Strength Tip!

Well here we are, starting a “New Year” of Mental Strength Tips!   Let’s not waste anymore time….

Achieving personal success and reaching your personal goals begins with a mental strength mindset of empowering beliefs.  Reaching peak personal performance and personal success starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.

This is one in a series of virtual life coaching tips to help start your week of strong so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take one subject and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct questions.  The intention of this virtual ‘life coaching’ session is for you to write the questions in your success journal and then reflect on them and write your answers and thoughts in your journal.

These series of posts are for YOU!  If I’m not able to coach you personally one-on-one over the phone or in The 2nd Passage, I want you to at least get the benefit of a “virtual” mental strength coaching session.


Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To make sure you are focusing your attention and energy on what needs to be today while creating a crystal clear vision of you future.  The goal is to limit you focus and attention on the past, unless if supports you.

The average person tends to spend over 90% for their energy and attention on negative past events that can’t be changed.

My job here is to help you understand this and to assist you in building the habit of redirecting your thoughts back to the present so that you can create your future personal success.

Let’s Get Started:

Focusing on past events not only wastes your mental strength energy it actually helps you create more it in the future.  By giving attention to negative past events you “bring” then into the present and as you then attempt to move forward you drag them with you, only to relive them over and over in different forms.

This is kind of like the ghost of Christmas past in the Christmas Carol.  By thinking about negative past events you are creating chains that we wrapped around you and you then dragged them into the present and then into the future.

How many times have you asked “What does this keep happening to me?”

Now you know!

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking and Future Focus

  • Do you believe focusing more in the future helps a person reach their personal goals and personal success?
  • How much ROI (return on investment) does a person get from focusing on the past?
  • Why does the average person focus so much time and energy on the past?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Future Focus

  • The future will be here soon enough, I don’t nee to think about it.
  • I have no control over the future.
  • If I create a vision for my future, I’ll only be disappointed when it doesn’t happen.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Future Focus

  • Thinking about the future helps determine the actions should take in the now.
  • Thinking about the future creates a future pull and brings me closer to the manifestation of my vision.
  • Thinking about the future attracts the people, events and circumstances I need to create my vision of my personal success.

Outrageous Questions:

  • How much of your life have you wasted thinking about the past?
  • Do your results indicate you are focusing on the past or the future?
  • Would you have enough evidence to prove that you have the mental strength habit of thinking about your future vision of personal success?

Reflective Questions:

  • Do you see the value of becoming more vision and future focused?
  • What could you today to help build the mental strength habit of future vision focus?
  • How can I help you become more future vision focused?

Mental Strength Coaching:

I want to encourage you to begin to monitor your focus and attention on a regular basis and build the mental strength skill of redirecting your thoughts away from the past to your future vision.

Awareness is the key here to bring about this change and shift.

After a few days of observing where your focus and attention is being directed, you’ll begin to see the potential of redirecting it toward your future vision.

Another method of helping you raise your awareness is to actively listen to other people talking and notice if they are speaking mostly of the past, present or future.

This will help you recognize how much mental strength energy the average person wastes on the past.

Final Thought

Focusing on your future vision involves expanding your awareness of how the average person dwells on the past and how the mentally strong focus on their future vision.

There are enough examples out there to support this.  All you need to do is simply take the time to look for them.

By finding others that are future vision focused you’ll can emulate or model their mental strength habits and begin to point your attention towards your future so that you can achieve your personal goals and personal success.

If you’d like to get started on developing the mental strength skills of future vision focus request your Introductory Consultation today!

You are your biggest supporter.

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