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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #17 – Open Mindedness

Achieving peak personal performance and personal success begins with a mental strength mindset and empowering mental strengthbeliefs.  Personal success starts in the mind and finishes with peak performance…taking massive action. 

This is one in a series of mental strength tips to help start your week of strong so that you can reach you peak performance, personal success by enhancing your personal development.

I take one subject and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct questions.  The intention of these ‘sessions’ is for you to write the questions in a success journal reflect on them and answer them.

This series of posts is for YOU!  If I’m not able to coach you personally one-on-one, I want you to at least get the benefit of “virtual” coaching.

Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To encourage you to suspend and to put on hold, your disbeliefs and doubts around the ideas, thoughts and philosophies that have and will be presenting in these virtual sessions.

Let’s Get Started:

I’d like to think about how tightly at times you hold on to old beliefs like a drowning man holds on to a life preserver. We are sometimes so afraid of letting go for fear of “drowning.”  When often by letting go we can swim to a ship that will take us to exactly where we want to go. 

The cool thing about beliefs is you can try them on…like a suit or jacket.  If, after awhile, it doesn’t fit you can put it back.  This type of mental strength approach to open mindedness is spirit-based consciousness.  By being open and aware that there are new and different beliefs that can possibly change your entire life is the start of peak personal performance and personal success.  

The thoughts and ideas that I have been expressing…and will continue to express are based in solid research and personal experience.  I’m only asking you to “play” for a bit with them.

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • Do you consider yourself to open-minded?
  • Are you more ego driven or spirit driven?
  • Are you willing to consider new ideas that have produced peak performance results?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Open Mindedness

  • I know what I know.  I’m not looking for new ways of thinking
  • I already know what to do; it’s just a matter of doing it
  • I’m already an educated person; I don’t need help

Mental Strength Beliefs about Open Mindedness

  • I’m always open to new ideas that move me closer to my vision of personal success.
  • I’ll listen to anyone who can show me a better way of doing things.
  • I always check my ego at the door.  I don’t care who gets the credit.  All I desire is the result.

Outrageous Questions:

  • Has ego-based thinking hurt you in the past?
  • How has open minded thinking helped you in the past?
  • What’s more important: achieving your vision of personal success or feeding your ego?

Reflective Questions:

  • Do you think it would help you to consider the ideas of other successful people?
  • Is it possible someone has found a better way to get the results you want?
  • How can I help you put what you know aside for a while and consider new ideas that have the potential to help you reach peak personal performance?

Mental Strength Coaching:

What I’m attempting to accomplish here is to encourage you to open your mind for the sake of getting the results you want faster and more efficiently. Once you’re accomplished this, please go back to the previous posts, read them and consider them as new ways of thinking. Remember the beliefs you have a probably as old as you are.  They’ve been re-stated, corroborated and reinforced for decades. Breaking limiting beliefs down can takes time, but with persistence and the help of mental strength coaching, NLP, Time Empowerment® and even hypnosis the change can be easy and life lasting. 

Final Thought

Again, think of this session as a suggestion to try on a new jacket.  When you’re presented with a new idea, no matter how small or radical, ask yourself, “I wonder how trying this idea on will help me reach my peak performance? Without an open mind it’s difficult to increase your level of conscious awareness.  Without an open mind you’re doomed to relive all your old beliefs that have been programmed into your mind and get the same results you’re currently dissatisfied with.

If you’d like to get started on developing radical mental strength for personal development, peak personal performance or personal success request your Introductory Consultation.

Also, “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” is a fantastic e-book that helps you develop awareness, consciousness and mental strength with a step-by-step plan.

OK…now it’s your turn!  Let me know about your thoughts on this subject in the comments below.

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