Mental Strength Tip #119: Chunking Down for Personal Success
Welcome back to another Mental Strength Tip!
Exceeding your human potential, achieving personal success and reaching your personal goals starts with a mental strength mindset of empowering beliefs that will instill the feeling of empowerment.
Reaching your personal goals, achieving personal success and exceeding your human potential starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.
This is one in a series of virtual personal coaching and mental strength tips to help kick-start your week. It is intended to create self-empowerment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.
I take one mental strength tips and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct coaching questions. The intention of this virtual personal coaching session is for you to write and answer these questions in your success journal and then reflect on them to gain insight on yourself, your dreams and what’s holding you back.
These series of posts are for YOU!
If I’m not able to be your live personal coach, then I highly recommend picking up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.” It’s a book that will take you through the exact process to take back control of your thoughts so that you can live a life a power, purpose and passion with perseverance!
You can grab your copy now by going HERE.
Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:
To help you develop the habit of chunking down seemingly complex problem into the basics. To increase the clarity of your thinking by simplifying the most complex challenges
Let’s Get Started:
This can also be thought of as “chunking down”, in NLP terms. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your long, complex, time-consuming, and overwhelming projects or objectives into small, manageable chunks or tasks that can be completed in less than a day, and then starting on the first one immediately.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:
- Is it possible to simply everything?
- What are the benefits of chunking down, i.e. simplification?
- Why aren’t more complex problems chunked down by people?
Unsupportive Beliefs about Chunking Down
- Chunking down only works with simple challenges.
- Some things are impossible to chunk down.
- Chunking down is a sign of weak intellect.
Mental Strength Beliefs about Chunking Down
- Not every problem is simple, but every problem can be chunked down.
- Chunking down is a sign mental strength intellect.
- Chunking down increase clarity and reduces intimidation.
Outrageous Questions:
- If you chunked down your current challenges would you experience less stress?
- If you reduced problems to their essence would you be a better problem solver?
- If you built the mental strength habit of making the complicated simple would you be more successful?
Reflective Questions:
- Would practicing the art of chunking down allow you to hit more personal goals?
- How could chunking down help you make more money?
- Would your closest friends and colleagues say you are more likely to complicated or simplify the challenges you encounter?
Mental Strength Coaching:
Often many of our most important challenges and goals seem overwhelming. We rarely see them as a series of many small, easily achievable tasks. However, in reality – they are just that. Breaking down a large project into smaller tasks – and then accomplishing each of them one-at-a-time – is exactly how any big goal gets accomplished.
So, after you have decided upon clearly what you want, set measurable goals with specific deadlines, the next step is to determine all of the individual action steps that must be taken to accomplish your goal.
Final Thought
How do you chunk it down?”
Actually, there are several ways to approach the situation. One option would be to speak to others who have already done what you want to do and find out what they learned in the process; what are their ‘best practices’. What steps did they take? What did they learn along the way that might help you avoid the mistakes they made while completing their goal.
You could start from the end and look backwards. You’d simply close your eyes and imagine “What was the last step you did to achieve your goal?” Then you would imagine, what you did before that, and the thing you did before that… and keep working backwards all the way back to where you started.
Remember that it’s okay not to know how to do something. It’s okay to ask for guidance and advice from those who do know. Sometimes you can get it free, and sometimes you have to pay for it. Learn to get comfortable with asking “Can you tell me how I would go about…?” and “What would I have to do to…?” and “How did you…?” Keep asking until you get a clear picture of just what you will have to do to put together a clear step-by-step plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
What will you need to do? Who will you need to help you? How long will it take? How much money will you need? What skills will you need to learn? Who will you need to enlist in your vision? What disciplines or habits will you need to establish?
Get started today learning about overcoming challenges and accomplishing goals by requesting your Introductory Consultation HERE.
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