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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part 19

Welcome back the continuation of this series entitled “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man”

We’ve been breaking down 21 habits of a purposed focused man one. A man with a purpose driven life exhibits specific qualities in 5 segments of his life, these segments are:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Spiritual

If this is your first time here the link back to “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part I.

There is no “mid-life crisis” for men…generally speaking.

This “mid-life crisis” for men is, is just a lack of focus and purpose.  When men lose their purpose, they also lose our focus.  When they lose their focus they feel lost.  And many men attempt to find themselves in unproductive behaviors.

My main point of these posts and my private intensive, The 2nd Passage, is to help men realize that they do have a mission and purpose in life.  And once they find it they can live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance!

My hope is that through these series of posts and The 2nd Passage Intensive, I will help men who, admittedly or not, are experiencing a mid-life emptiness and guide them back to manhood and step into their masculinity…without becoming a jerk.

We’ve already covered the mental qualities and well into the emotional habits of a highly focused purpose driven man.  We’ll look at another financial habit:

Career Security:

Purpose Focused Man

  • Understands the free enterprise system, return on investment
  • If an employee, understands that they are “capital goods” and need to produce a return for the investment
  • Always looks for way to return more on the investment than others, i.e. $10 return for every $1 in pay
  • Always be in demand

A man with a purpose focused life looks at himself as the only real career or job security.

When a man with a purpose driven life is employed or even self-employed,  he always looks at how much return on investment he can deliver.

That is, for every dollar paid to him, he looks at returning this ten fold.  This way he will always be in demand.

No Life Purpose, Unfocused Man

  • The world owes them a living
  • They are entitled
  • Consistently looking for a new job…the grass is greener syndrome
  • When asked what they have returned to the employer in dollars and sense, they don’t have a clue.
  • To fill a temporary vacancy

A man without a purpose driven life feels because they are alive the world owes them a living, especially the government.

For a man without a purpose focused life is looking for job he will be used only in temporary situation until a better person is found.

He looks at a job from the perspective, how much can I get out of it?

Self Assessment

Career Security: The habit of returning to your employer in measurable income at least ten times the dollar value you receive in pay. The habit of quantifying your direct contribution to profit rather than basing your sense of job security and future career growth on skills you feel to possess. Habitually translating skills into measurable dollar contribution to your organization..

1                            2                            3                            4                            5

Never                  Seldom               Sometimes        Often                   Always

OK…looking at the above mental strength emotional characteristic for a man with a purpose driven life, take the below survey and see how well you’re doing… and please have the courage to be honest with yourself.

Men, I’m sure by now you’re beginning to get a sense of where you are in Life.  Please remember there is not right or wrong place; it’s just where you are.  The question is, what are you going to do about it!

Are you courageous enough to take action and change?

If this post has raised some questions, consider investing in yourself, your vision and your life.  Take a look at The 2nd Passage for a way to put your power, passion and purpose into action and life a purposed driven life.

I’ll leave you this quote’s:

“The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember: Jobs are owned by the company, you own your career!” –  Earl Nightingale

“We can create the ultimate job security by becoming less dependent on the organization for which we work and more dependent on our own resources”. – Bo Bennett

You are your biggest supporter.

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