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Mental Strength



Mental Strength and Your Sixth Sense

Mental StrengthIn this book, Think and Grow Rich, Hill discussed the Sixth Sense. Indeed, he dedicated an entire chapter to this feature. I reasoned if Hill dedicated an entire chapter to the Sixth Sense, it must be important. In looking at a 1937 edition of Think and Grow Rich, Hill writes:

“The sixth sense in not something you can take on and off at will. Ability to use this great power comes slowly, through application of other principles outlined in this book. Seldom does an individual come into workable knowledge of the sixth sense before the age of forty. More often the knowledge is not available until one is well past fifty, and this, for the reason that spiritual forces, with which the sixth sense is so closely related, do not mature and become usable except through years of meditation, self-examination, and serious thought.” Think and Grow Rich – p. 225

Hill discussed in this chapter about how the Sixth Sense is used to communicate with Infinite Intelligence – that the communication comes voluntarily, without demands. Hill stated that hunches and inspirations come via the Sixth Sense. He also stated that this was the “apex of the philosophy” (p. 217) and that one can come into working knowledge of the Sixth Sense after having mastered the other parts of this philosophy. After interviewing the most successful people of his time, I believe Hill truly had some of the best information on the Sixth Sense at his time known to the “logical” world.

There have been many individuals and cultures that have tapped into this ability for a very long time.  Shamans from all indigenous cultures have been able to communication with Higher Intelligence by journey work.  Individuals like Aristotle, Walt Disney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla, all have been able to tap into the creative nature of Higher Intelligence.

I coach and teach process of tapping into your Higher Self and unconscious like Vision Streaming, Through the Vail and Journey Work.  All of these assist a person with their ‘connections’ so that they can receive inspiration, answers and guidance that have been stopping them from achieving personal peak performance and personal success.

It’s great to now that a person doesn’t have to wait until 40 or even 50 before they tap into and develop their Sixth Sense. 

Another very cool process by which you can access your Sixth Sense is Remote Viewing.  I had the privilege to train with Ed Dames and learn this process first hand.

This process was developed as a result of the military remote viewing program. There are currently seven well-recognized stages. Protocols have also been developed to determine precise locations of individuals or objects.

Now, I can describe the process, but I do not think I can do it justice. Describing a skill such as this would be akin to writing a book on how to play a musical instrument. The information might be presented accurately, but the power and beauty of the music that is heard is indescribable. You truly have to hear it to appreciate it.

NLP, Time Empowerment ™, Hypnosis all add to the building the connection to your Sixth Sense.  You see, mental strength is not just about overcoming resistance, challenges and  obstacles…it’s also about learning how to allow your creative nature and Higher Intelligence guide and assist you with this opportunities.

If you’d like to lean how to tap into your creative side…your Sixth Sense request a Introductory Consultation or pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.”  Both will get you on the path to inspired action.

Let me hear from you about your thoughts on Sixth Sense – not the movie 🙂 and how you’ve experienced it in the comments below.

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