Mental Stamina – 4 Physical Activities to Help Build It
Mental stamina and mental strength isn’t built up overnight. Nor is it something that is wholly isolated to mental exercise. The mind and body are intricately and intimately connected. That is why physical activity can exercise and strengthen not only your physical muscles, but also your mental ones. Check out these four physical activities you can do to build your mental strength and mental stamina over time.
Four Physical Actives For Mental Stamina
1. Sports
This one probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you, but it is true that participating in sports (whether team or individual) is an excellent outlet for developing mental strength. That is because to be successful you have to push yourself. This often means pushing your body to physical limits it previously hadn’t reached and striving for an end goal. Such stress requires not only physical prowess, but mental stamina, diligence, and strength.
Just take a look at any organized sport. Watch Monday night football and you can appreciate the results of hours upon hours of practices when players push themselves to improve day by day to be able to gain that one extra yard or hold the defensive line for a few more seconds when the game is on the line. No matter what sport you play, the result is the same. As you exercise your physical body, you must simultaneously exercise your mind. As any coach will tell you, the game is 10% physical, 90% mental.
2. Yoga
Yes, yoga has become almost cliché today. However, it bears mentioning in this post as the main focus of yoga is the balance of both mind and body. Depending on what kind of yoga you practice, you can focus more heavily on physical strength and endurance or more mental stamina exercises. But no matter where you fall on the yoga spectrum, there is an emphasis on training both your mind and body together.
As you learn to master different poses you will see yourself building mental stamina and mental strength. Yoga requires stamina, patience, and focus—all things that are exercised in the mind. Moreover, there is particular emphasis on meditation and peace. Therefore, yoga will not only improve your physical health through exercise, but also you mental health as you learn to empty your mind of worries, focus on the moment, and hone your mental strength as you apply it to the practice.
3. Routine
Mental stamina and mental strength is not simply borne out of motivation or willpower. Sadly, motivation is fickle and often fleeting. That is why people so often fail to follow through on their goals—they rely on motivation to drive them. But mental strength comes when you follow through in spite of a lack of motivation.
To help you exercise this mental strength, develop a routine. Routine will encourage you to do the small things that will move you closer to attaining your goals. Whether you wish to run ten miles or lose ten pounds, making a routine (and sticking to it) will strengthen those mental muscles and keep you on track.
4. Running
Running is one of the best mental exercises I can think of. Yes, there is a runner’s high that is quite exhilarating and encouraging. However, for the majority of my runs, it really just hurts. It is difficult to finish a run. Taking that next step, completing one more mile, is really a mental game you have to play with yourself. Will you put one foot in front of the other? Or will you give up now?
As with any muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. And the more you run, the stronger your mental faculties will become. Soon, a distance that was once overwhelming to you will become an easy hurdle.
The mental stamina you build in your physical exercises will overflow to other aspects of your life. You will gain the confidence to overcome obstacles in relationships, work, and faith as you apply your mental strength and willpower to your life.
Author Byline:
Drew Kobb, in addition to studying civil law, loves long distance running and considers himself a health and fitness enthusiast. He loves sports, particularly football, and is always first in line to get his Atlanta Falcons Tickets each season.