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Meditation and Creating Your Own Daily Oasis

Mediation For Relaxation

Over the past few Fridays I’ve been writing about meditation and the “how to’s” and hope you’ve been getting some good information to help you with your personal growth.

Life in this millennium is usually busy, busy, and busy. Technological inventions such as the cell phone have made people more accessible and therefore, needs are now presented for accomplishing the moment they arise since they would have been delegated to the back burner two decades ago.

Learning how to control your emotions, temperament and disposition on a strong and steady keel is often difficult when multiple tasks have to be done ASAP. It is important for people to find some respite during the day to unwind and to regroup, I’m suggestion mediation.

Meditation can offer relaxation and a respite, especially when you must battle daily with stress and figuring out how to control your emotions.  It would be a mistake to assume that only executives and businessmen fall into this arena. Excessive pressure and stress have become the constant challenge that even schoolchildren are not exempt from today and stress can actually stop and slow-down personal growth.

Coping With Stress and How to Control Your Emotions

Today many people cope with stress and their emotions by eating, drinking, sex, too much exercise and watching television by immersing themselves in a favorite program. Some people sit and read books or the newspaper. Others find deadlier outlets for energies gone haywire by shopping or binging out on sweets.

None of these really give the rest needed by a stressed out person.

People who have rushed back and forth and who have been overly stressed need to find a way to restore balance to their overwrought nervous systems. Meditation can help correct the discordant rhythms produced by problems and pressures. Through its refined techniques, this particular practice of meditation can bring about what is called the relaxation response, which leads to a calm, centered, and relaxed body and mind and assists in personal growth.

Finding a Meditation Relaxation Technique That Works for You

There are countless mediation relaxation techniques to meet different needs. The key to using this type of meditation effectively lies in finding out which technique you need to use. If you are agitated, tense, and angry, you need to find a set of exercises that will calm you down. Meditating with the use of serene music and imagery will probably part of the technique that will restore your balance. If stress and pressure make you withdrawn and depressed, your relaxation technique will entail healthy stimulation such as exercise. The goal of relaxation meditation is to reach a state of deep, alert, and active calmness.

Relaxation Techniques in Meditation

A primary technique in meditation to attain relaxation is deep breathing. This means breathing slowly through the abdomen and taking in your full capacity of oxygen. This improved supply of oxygen in itself will begin to relieve stress and anxiety.

Another technique that you can practice is isolating and relaxing the different parts of your body. After you have reached a relaxed state through deep breathing, systematically focus on the different parts of your body starting with your right foot all the way to your face.

[color-box]Brain Synchronization Helps with Meditation! Find Out HERE [/color-box]

Center your attention on the part of the body you want to relax and squeeze its muscles while mentally counting from one to ten. Then, relax that part until you can feel it hanging loose. Do this with your left foot then the right and work your way upwards through your calves, thighs, hips and buttocks, stomach, chest, back, arms neck and face.

The trick in using this technique well is to isolate the muscle group that you are working with and contract only those muscles. This specific technique will need a doctor’s go signal if you suffer from spasms or muscle cramps.

A similar version of this relaxation technique is to go through the entire body part-by-part and focusing on each part specifically while breathing deeply and imagining the oxygen flowing through that body part.

Visualization is the most commonly used meditation technique to achieve relaxation. To use this, all you have to do is sit quietly and do deep breathing for about two minutes. Then, put yourself in a restful scene of your choice. You may want to be in an island, a forest retreat, or even a cozy room.

While you are in that special place, imagine the sensations each of your senses will experience such as the warmth of the sun, a cool breeze, and the sound of birds chirping or the sight of a flock of birds flying home to their nest.

Investing in Relaxation through Meditation

If you often go through stressful days and if you find yourself swamped by too many chores to do, too many decisions to make or too many needs to meet, try relaxation meditation to ease the pressure. Of all the branches of meditation, it is the simplest and the easiest to practice.

All you need is your mind, your body and the determination to be kind to yourself. Having these three ingredients, you can create your own physical and mental oasis for the twenty minutes that will mean a brighter, calmer you for the rest of the day.

Learning how to control your emotions, how to respond to stress can accelerate our personal growth and all of these can be accomplished through relaxation meditation.

[color-box]                                        Music For Meditation HERE [/color-box]

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