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Learn Meditation in 9 Simple Steps

learn meditation

I get a lot of questions as to my daily routine and how mediation plays a role in it.

I love the morning!  So, I get up at 5:00 AM, have a big glass of water, take a few supplements then I mediate for a 30 minutes before I go to the gym.

I know…I’m sleeping in a bit later these days and when I get back west later this year I’ll start to get up a 4:00 AM, take a walk and then mediate before going to the gym.

I’m often asked “how do I mediate?” Well the overall answer is however you are able to center yourself and still the internal dialogue.

This could be simple as taking a walk in nature or listening to quite (non vocal) music with your eyes closed.

There are so many ways to meditate that really it is an individual and private practice.

For the more “traditional” methods to meditate many people look at it as a difficult undertaking performed exclusively by those who have devoted years to the practice. Actually, it is something that can be learned quite easily for as long as a person is determined to do so.

To help begin your practice below are nine easy steps to learn meditation.

[color-box]Learn to Mediate Easily, Learn How By Going HERE[/color-box]

  1. If you seriously want to learn to meditate, a first step to take is to determine a time and place for you to do the exercise. In the beginning, designating a set schedule for meditation is important to make sure it is done. This simply means setting aside fifteen to twenty minutes daily. The place for meditation need not be large or fancy but it has to be an area where you can have peace and quiet and where you can be comfortable.
  1. Once you have established the time and place for your meditation, it is time for the second step, which will actually start the actual process. No matter what branch or form of meditation you espouse, everything starts with the proper posture. If the lotus position is too difficult for you, you can just sit comfortably in a chair, as you would normally do. Make sure that your back is straight but not tense. Relax your muscles, your limbs, and then your entire body.
  1. Once you feel your body has settled into the proper position, you are ready for the third step. Begin to focus on your breathing. Take slow deep breaths while being conscious of taking in and letting out air. Continue until your breathing becomes even and rhythmic. This should go on for about three minutes.
  1. Execute the fourth step when your breathing has come to a relaxed and slow rhythm. Start the internal process of meditation and distance yourself from your mind. Observe your thoughts and emotions as if you were a witness. Do not make judgments of thoughts that go through your mind, simply watch them while continuing to breathe slowly. If some thoughts bother you, do not let yourself be engaged. Instead, be conscious again of your breathing. After a few minutes, you should reach a point where thoughts are less chaotic.
  1. Proceed to the fifth step in totally getting into meditation and visualize. You can think of yourself as a mountain or a rock sitting peacefully, able to withstand the strong wind, the rain, or the heat. As you breathe in and out, feel the serenity in your entire body.
  1. The sixth step involves expanding the tranquility of your mind to embrace all human beings, all of creation and the entire planet. Acknowledge that you are a part of this vast universe just as it is part of you. Feel this elemental unity as you continue to breathe.
  1. Go on to the seventh step once you are full of the knowledge that you are part of everything and everything is part of you. Now, be aware not of your physical body but of the immortal part of you. This is the part that goes beyond death, the part which survives the decline of the body
  1. The eighth step will bring your meditation to another level. Visualize peace and happiness welling up from within you and send it out to the world. Mentally utter wishes for all people to be happy and at peace. Continue to breathe deeply and each time you exhale, release your prayer for love and goodwill so that everything and everyone around you is covered with it.
  1. Finally, the ninth step will end the experience. Conclude your meditation by slowly coming to an awareness of your physical body. Allow your consciousness to focus on your limbs, your back, your chest, your neck, and your face. Then open your eyes slowly and continue to sit quietly for a few more minutes.

The Best Way to Learn to Meditate

Once you have gathered the information you need, the most effective way to learn to meditate is to try doing it. In the beginning, it may be difficult to be still or it may be hard to detach yourself from your own thoughts.

Relax and persist in doing meditation daily and be assured that in your own time, you will achieve the state of balance and serenity that you seek through meditation.

Often brain entrainment music helps with meditation.  You can find out more about these audio’s go to Brain Entrainment.

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