Information Obesity – Are We Getting Too Fat?
I’m sure you never done this…you go to Amazon to buy ONE book and end up leaving with, let’s just say a “few” more. Then after UPS backs the truck up to deliver your order, you open the boxes and forgot which book was the one you originally wanted. So you simply pick any book and the put rest on the shelf.
So, have you read those other books yet? Me neither 🙂
I love this era of the ‘information age’, some are even saying we’re out of the ‘information age’ and into the ‘connected age’. In any case, where else can you see a cat giving birth (live), find out about a disaster thousands of miles away and find a recipe for chicken cordon blue all at the same time?
The Internet is great, as well as other forms of electronic media. But, as with anything there are two edges to the ‘information age.’ If a person completely rejects it they’ll be so out of touch with the world that they won’t be able to function effectively. Then if a person overindulges, they will also become ineffective.
Kind of like food uh?
This is what I see happening today, we have become informational obese! We are a society based in scarcity. BullS*&t! you say…well consider this. We have basements, garages and attics stuff so much we need public storage for more of our stuff and automobiles.
If you got ride of everything you didn’t use in the past year (except power tools, right guys?) We would have an abundance of room. Heck why do you think e-Bay is doing so well. People are finally realizing that they can live with out that “stuff” and if they need something they can always get something newer. There is so much out there and there will always be. It’s not the stuff that makes us happy.
Now we’ve taken this scarcity phenomenon to the digital world. We have HUGE storage capacity in our PC and we need to add external hard drives and use online document storage. Oh sure, I know…”I need to back them up.” Yes, but how many and for how long?
We subscribe to every e-zine that claims to help us with money, relationships or losing weight. Our e-mail inboxes are bulging with free e-books, special reports and the latest online video.
As if this isn’t bad enough, we have DVR’s, TiVo, mobile and IPTV…when is enough information enough all ready!
As I started out this rant with….all this is based on scarcity thinking. We’re convinced that if we don’t get XY or Z we’ll be loosing out. This is a load of crap! You have exactly the right information right now!
So here’s my challenge. First, determine exactly what you want. This is going to take some mental strength and most likely a few days. Most people don’t get want they want because they don’t KNOW what they want. Here’s a hint to help with this…stop reading the special reports, e-zine’s and watching TV and contemplate on what you REALLY want.
Once you know what you want randomly pick a book you already own and read it. And I want you to read it with the following underlying statement. “I’m curious as to how many ways I can find in this book that will help discover ways to get BLANK (fill-in the blank with what you want).
Then every time you find something in the book that connects with you write it down and take action on it right then and there! If there are exercises in the book, take action and them…ALL of them.
I believe that by the time you have finished the book and participated in my challenge your life will have moved forward with such efficiency that you’ll be amazed at what you’ve accomplished and without that special report or free e-book.
Yes, like any diet this will take mental strength and I promise you the rewards will be well worth it.
To Your Inner Strength,