How to Meet Your Potential
I was inspired by two e-mails I read this morning and how one supports the other. The first is from Science of Mind. Ernest Holmes wrote Science of Mind in 1926 and it’s a great book about mental strength, personal success, health and connecting with God. If you don’t like the word God…too bad…use what ever you like so that you’ll get this message.
Here’s the note from Science of Mind.
Faith and Prayer
Ernest Holmes
“Why is it that one person’s prayers are answered while another’s remain unanswered? It cannot be because God is a respecter of persons or has greater consideration for one than for another. It must be that all persons receive results, not because of what they believe, but in spite of peculiarities of their belief. It must be the way of their belief that makes the difference.
Faith is not a dogma, a creed, or a statement of being. It is a certain mental approach to Reality. It is an affirmative approach as opposed to a negative one. It is agreement as opposed to denial….Prayer, faith, and belief are mental attitudes. It is written that “faith shall heal the sick and God shall raise him up.” This implies a human act followed by an act of God. It also implies that without such a human act, the act of God will not follow. The act of God follows our faith in God.
Prayer leads one to a place of mental acceptance, but prayer without faith is ineffectual. Faith elevates the prayer to conviction and acceptance. Where does God come in? God already is in and does not have to come from anywhere to anywhere. God is the entire process, both in our thought as individuals and in the universal as answering our individual thought. The prayer of faith makes it possible for the law to respond and do the thing desired. “ – Excerpted from Can We Talk to God? by Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind Publishing.
The second e-mail was from Jamie Smart, and NLP aficionado from the UK. This e-mail was about happiness:
Today is Practice for Tomorrow
Jamie Smart
“Today is practice for tomorrow. People like what’s familiar, remember? Whatever you’re doing today is becoming more familiar, so if you want to go somewhere new in your life, you need to start getting familiar with that.
Is what you’re practicing today about where you’ve been, or where you want to be? Practice feeling how you’ll feel and doing what you’ll do when you get where you’re going. Today is practice for tomorrow”
Do you remember the movie “Groundhog Day?” Bill Murray was stuck repeating the same day over and over…his goal though was to meet this beautiful young lady. He realized that he was “stuck” and unless he did something different he would never meet her.
So everyday he did something different, until finally he meet’s her. Here check out this scene:
[hdplay id=3 hdplay width=400 height=400 ]
So, what’s my point….well if pray, meditate, set affirmation like we’ve done in the past, we just reliving the past. If however, we pray, belief and have faith that is different from yesterday and do this again and again. Well, perhaps our prayer will be answered and we’ll meet up with our potential.
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