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Warrior Mind Podcast



How to Maintain a Positive Mindset – Warrior Mind Podcast #632

Over 10 years and going strong!  With over 2M downloads from over 18 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast, I’m going to go over How to Maintain a Positive Mindset when you don’t feel like it.

How to Maintain a Positive Mindset

Do you have days when you know it’s better to be upbeat and positive, but you just don’t feel like it? When you face challenges or feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude.

Try these techniques to improve your mood and experience the inner peace you deserve:

  1. Start your day with something positive. Decide each morning that you’ll start the day headed in the right direction. Instead of waking up on the wrong side of the bed and setting the stage for a grouchy day, resolve to experience something positive first thing in the morning.
  • Develop a morning routine that you can repeat daily to ease into your day’s responsibilities. Determine what activities help improve your mood and put you on the path to positive thinking. Find two or three things you can do each morning that’ll set the stage for a successful day. As these become habit, add to the routine little by little.
  • A routine will help your body and mind settle in and focus on what you need to accomplish. Instead of rushing around or forgetting important details, your plan will guide you through a peaceful set of steps that calm your mind and create unstoppable momentum.

Enjoy this Podcast on How to Maintain a Positive Mindset

More on How to Maintain a Positive Mindset

  • Set exciting goals. If you wake up each morning with nothing to look forward to, your mind may quickly latch onto negative feelings that can last throughout the day. Give your life focus by setting goals that motivate and excite you. Write those goals down and review them every day. Each day, take some small action that brings you closer to attaining your goal.
  • Set aside a few minutes this week to write down all the reasons why each goal is important to you. How will you feel when you reach the goal you’ve set? How will your loved ones be affected? How will your quality of life improve?
  • Spend a few minutes each day reading through this list. A big enough “why” can help you to overcome obstacles that are in your way.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. If you want to feel better about your life, hang around people that encourage you and bring out the best in you. Spend more time with people that make you feel good about yourself and less time with those that complain about everything.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining and it’s easier to find that silver lining when you hang around people that help you to see it.
  • Remember that bad days happen. When you have a bad day, don’t beat yourself up or dwell on it. Remember that tomorrow is a new day with exciting possibilities and challenges. Your next victory is right around the corner if you resolve to start with a fresh perspective.

These suggestions will only help if you put them into practice. Pick one or more of them and decide that your happiness is worth small changes that lead to a big payoff. Begin to experience the happiness you deserve by taking positive steps today that will lead to a bright future.

Need more coaching around overcoming challenges like this! Contact us today: Introductory Consultation.

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