How The Brain Works For Personal Success: Mental Strength Tip #155
How the brain works: A Mental Strength tip to achieve personal success.
It is now widely accepted that by the time we are seven years of age, 90% of all the learning and knowledge we will have in our lifetime has been absorbed. We will have learned to walk, talk, think, and have many of the coping skills required for survival. It is this programming that will influence whether we will succeed in life’s endeavors or not.
During this time frame we will also develop the beliefs that we have. Beliefs around success, relationships, body image, and who we are in the world are developed within that key first seven years. We can equate this time as a time where we are receiving and being programmed.
Programmed to be successful or fail, programmed to like ourselves or not, programmed to live a happy and carefree life or not.
Mental strength is an essential for personal growth and part of this is understanding how the brain works.
In order to continue with our human development we must look back inside ourselves, our brains and our minds and learn how “we” work. Part of knowing how the brain the works is knowing how we think.
This virtual personal coaching session about how the brain works is to assist you with your self-improvement, personal growth and personal development.
It is intended to create self-empowerment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.
I take a personal growth topic, in this case mental strength, and give an overview about it, i.e. how the brain works. Then I’ll continue by asking a series of mental strength questions. I’ll wrap-up with a summary and some final thoughts.
Take your time with this topic, carefully consider your responses to the questions and write them down. Personal growth is not supposed to be easy, it takes courage to face yourself. But when you develop the courage and mental strength to do actually this, you will be building confidence.
[color-box]How’s our mental strength? Find out exactly how mentally strong you are with a complimentary Mental Strength Assessment. To take it, just go HERE[/color-box]
Objective of this Mental Strength Tip On How The Brain Works:
To help you understand how the brain works and the way the human brain operates at the most fundamental level and how to use this information to achieve personal success.
Let’s Get Started:
Scientific studies have proven that the human mind is an internal and an external sensory monitoring system, which functions electronically. Internally, our entire bodily functions are controlled subconsciously and automatically through the nervous system, including blood flow, digestions, organ functioning, viral and infectious control, cell communication, and healing of cuts. Simultaneously, our external monitoring system is equipped to sense vibrations of light, touch, taste, smell and sound.
The human body is connected to the mind (sensory monitoring system) via the nervous system, which flows throughout the tree of life (or spinal cord) and, like the seed with wisdom or the animal with instinct, the body knows how to communicate with its controller. Massive communication and control are handled systematically and simultaneously by the subconscious mind, designed to keep us functioning perfectly.
A study of physics indicates that there is light at the center of every atom and that there is movement in all substance. Movement creates vibration; therefore, the sense of touch is merely picking up a substance vibration and by electric impulse relaying it to the brain via the nervous system.
Questions to Uncover Beliefs about How The Brain Works:
- How does the brain use the mind to protect and control the body?
- Can the brain’s interpretation of events and circumstances be altered?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks of the brain’s role in self-preservation?
Unsupportive Beliefs about How The Brain Works:
- The brain’s function cannot be changed or manipulated.
- The brain’s primary purpose is to keep my alive.
- The brain’s primary purpose is to think.
Mental Strength Beliefs about How The Brain Works:
- Interpreting events is how the brain makes sense of the world.
- If I alter my brain’s interpretations, I alter its perception of reality.
- If I alter the brain’s perception of reality, I change my behavior and then my results change as well.
Outrageous Questions About How The Brain Works:
- Do you have a through enough understanding of how the brain works in order to manipulate it for your benefit and archive personal success?
- How are you sure you know enough about how the brain works?
- How often are you able to alter the meaning of a negative situation to an empowering event?
Reflective Questions About How The Brain Works:
- Can you think of a time you were able to alter the meaning of an event in order to change your brains response to it?
- Have you ever had an experience that appeared negative yet had a positive impact on your life?
- Is there an event that’s currently event in your life that you can change the meaning of in order to alter your brains response to it?
Mental Strength Coaching:
It’s not reality that shapes us, it’s the lens through which the brain views the world that shapes your reality. If we can change the lens, not only can we change your happiness, we can change every single business and educational outcome at the same time…
We assume that the external world is predictive of our happiness levels. In reality, if you know everything of your external world, you can only predict 10% of your potential success and happiness.
90% of your long term success and happiness is predicted not by your external world, but by the way your brain processes the world. And if we change it, if we change our formula for happiness and success, we can change the way we can then affect reality.
Final Thought On How The Brain Works:
Let us look at how our conscious and subconscious mind work together to allow us to grow, develop and create our life.
Our conscious mind is our “awareness” it is our communication center. It thinks, reasons, calculates, plans, directs all actions of the body, determines results and makes decisions. It is creative, it registers pain, fear, happiness and it sets goals (both long-term and very short-term goals). In order for the conscious mind to be able to do all of these things, it must have a place to pull information from – a storage area.
The subconscious mind is our data storage bank. When our conscious mind asks, our subconscious mind gives.
“Nothing will happen to change your life until you consciously step in and start to work with the subconscious mind, otherwise, you will continue in the same pattern you have built up” – Mildred Mann
The subconscious mind takes in everything we learn and experience in our lifetime. It begins at birth (some say before birth), soaking up information like a sponge, accumulating data as we grow and experience life. It also begins forming beliefs based on what we learn and what we experience, which determines how we react to everything in our life.
These beliefs gain both strength and momentum the older we become. The subconscious mind does not make choices; it accepts everything, good and bad, positive and negative.
The conscious mind, however, does make choices, almost every minute of our lives. Since everything has its equal and opposite such as day has night, love has hate, prosperity has poverty and on and on, our lives are a matter of choice, our conscious choice.
All these conscious choices are made with the information we have amassed in our subconscious mind over our lifetime. The simple conclusion is that if we are dissatisfied with anything in our lives, we must do something that will work at adding, altering, or changing those beliefs in our subconscious mind….for the quality of your life is directly related to the quality.
Get started today to understand how the brain works and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.