Healthy Body And Meditation – What’s The Connection?
Cynics and skeptics often look at meditation to create a healthy body as mumbo jumbo and yet there is much logic in the premise that the entire body must be restored in order to cure an ailing part. Furthermore, studies have shown that patients heal faster and have a healthy body when medical interventions are shored up with this process.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School discovered that there was an increase in the alpha waves in meditating subjects concurrent with a lessening of depression and anxiety symptoms. In particular, people suffering from stress, pain, psoriasis, heart disease and hypertension benefited from the abating of symptoms by as much as 25 to 45 per cent.
Roots of the Healthy Body Meditative Practice
The philosophy behind the workings of meditation healing to create a healthy body is one that is based first of all on a belief that the wellness of the entire person and the rested fully alert brain will together draw and center energy to restore the part that needs to be made healthy. This is often recommended for those who have gone through prolonged bouts of ill health and it can be used alone or with a group.
The Buddhists have an explanation for the way healing takes place. They believe that illness is a weakness, which they call a wind in parts of the body. Their technique seeks to remove or drive away this wind and increase the chi or the energy of the body so that its balance is restored and it can heal itself back to a healthy body. Several eastern cultures use some form of meditation healing, but in the West, this has acquired pragmatism for many even as it retains a spiritual grounding for an equally large number of practitioners.
How Meditation Works to Create a Healthy Body
Proponents of this branch of meditation liken the mind, when it is fully rested and alert, to a laser beam centering its power on the body for curing it. They maintain that the breathing exercise in itself is the conduit for the oxygenation of the body, which includes the brain. Practitioners describe the process as somewhat similar to other meditation forms. The person who wishes to go through the exercise first assumes a comfortable position and starts to do deep breathing. Gradually, as the body becomes relaxed, the person centers on different parts of the body, directing the energized blood to flow through the area.
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The over-all focus throughout these self-managed sessions is self-healing and a healthy body by restoring the entire body to wellness and then targeting the parts that need it most. The short sessions, to be done twice or three times a day, are meant to build up the brain’s ability to concentrate and focus – the very means it uses to restore the healthy body.
This practice involves a technique called sweeping the body from the head to the feet. As far back as the 17th century, versions of this technique have been used to cure illnesses. One version entails visualizing a warm ball of butter melting and flowing down from one’s head down to the other parts and organs and ending at the soles of the person’s feet.
Giving it a Try
If you suffer from fatigue, numerous undefined aches, and pains, then you are like numerous other people who simply want to feel better. Again, if you have been suffering from a condition like diabetes or hypertension, you will find that you are like a good number of the current global population. You may feel that you want to increase your wellness quotient even if you are already under treatment by a doctor.
You want to feel energized, calm and liberated from the discomforts that you experience daily. If all these hold true for you then you may want to try this practice. It is simple and extremely achievable. It is also usually available free of charge, thanks to the generosity of others who, sometimes out of gratitude for their own recovery, have shared both their experiences and their techniques for others to use.
Meditation to create a healthy body is not meant to be a substitute for prescribed medication. Neither is it a panacea for all ills and diseases. But, if you are at a place in your life where you want to use every available means to be well then, as this generation would say, just do it!
Find out more about the power of your mind to create a healthy body by grabbing a copy of Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior today!