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Mental Strength



Habits Of Peak Performers – Part 1

Habit formation is the process by which new behaviors become automatic. If you instinctively reach for a cigarette the moment you wake up in the morning, you have a habit.

By the same token, if you feel inclined to lace up your running shoes and hit the streets as soon as you get home, you’ve acquired a habit.

Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form.

That’s because the behavioral patterns we repeat most often are literally etched into our neural pathways. The good news is that, through repetition, it’s possible to form new habits (and maintain them as well).

The difference between peak performers and the “also ran’s” is that they have developed significant mental strength habits.

These habits fall into 5 categories:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Spiritual

In this post along with the others to follow, I’m going to breakdown each habit within the specific category.  The intent here is provide you with the “secret” that all successful people have…empowering habits.

NOTE: If someone achieved all their material goals but neglected their family/friends they are not considered a peak performer.

I’m going to break up the 5 categories over several posts.  Today will be the…

Mental Habits Of Peak Performers

Mental Habit #1. Sensory Goal and Vision:

  • Peak performers know and use the power of the electrochemistry of the brain to create a compelling future that sends out AND attracts the future they desire.
  • They know what they want out of life in full sensory and multidimensional detail before they achieve it.
  • They pre-live/experience every goal.
  • Their Life force is behind their motivation.
  • They know the clearer the vision the more the dedication to the achievement of that vision.
  • They have a strong desire to create.
  • They utilize ALL their senses; visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory, when creating their compelling future.

Mental Habit #2. Disciplined Mental Application:

  • Peak performers possess the mental strength to go after their vision with super intensity.
  • They are able to sustain a period of long hard work without receiving any immediate reward.
  • They do whatever it takes to create their vision.
  • They know with faith they see their vision getting closer with each hour, day, month and perhaps year.
  • They understand that anything worthwhile will involve long hard work.
  • They pursue their goals with absolute excellence, not perfection.
  • They understand the Law of the Harvest, i.e. hard work pays dividends.
  • They live their vision in action.

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Mental Habit #3. Search for Knowledge:

  • Peak performers have an insatiable search for knowledge and applying it.
  • They know there is no luck and they make their own luck from applying their knowledge.
  • They are flexible in the values/motives that drive them towards excellence, they are not workaholics.
  • They continually search for why and how things work and what motivates people.
  • They read biographies of powerful people and other peak performers.
  • They use Albert Korzybski’s principle of “time binding” to learn from past experiences and pass them on to future generations.
  • They’re always searching for time tested process and use them in today’s situations with positive energy.
  • They live by the quote, “The more I learn the more I don’t know the more I want to learn” – Albert Einstein

Mental Habit #4. Creativity:

  • Peak performers’ supreme pleasure is in creating something where once nothing existed.
  • They love to solve problems.
  • They transform problems into opportunities and turn opportunities into achievements.
  • They have a predictable pattern of conceiving, developing, refining and bringing ideas into their realty.
  • They use the 4 stage process of creativity:
    • 1st – Perceives a need or problem and gains all info about it and then releases the problem and turns attention elsewhere.
    • 2nd – Incubation, lets; his unconsciousness mind work on the problem. During this state of in the high achiever expects.
    • 3rd – Spontaneously receives the answer and does receive the answer.
    • 4th – Implement solution.
  • Creativity is their life blood.

Next post I’ll pick it up again with the emotional habits of peak performers.

You are your biggest supporter.

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