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Mental Strength



8 Growth Mindset Ways to Develop Mental Strength

With these 8 proven growth mindset techniques, you’ll have the chance to shift yourself and your entire life into an growth mindsetexceptional place.

When you are mentally sensitive, or the opposite of being mentally strong, you increase the likelihood of limitations in life. From there mental strength comes into play.

When you have someone with mental strength, they will view the glass as being half full. In contrast, someone who is mentally sensitive will often see the glass as half empty.

A similar situation is found when you look at those with a fixed mindset, and those with a growth mindset. There is a true correlation between both your mindset and what your mental strength (or even sensitivity) is.

An expert dealing with mindset at Stanford University is Dr. Carol S. Dweck. Their statement is that individuals who have a fixed mindset, will believe that their intellect is static, while those with a growth mindset believe there is an evolution in intelligence.

In Dweck’s book: ‘Mindset – Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential’. She takes the time to explore the differences between the lives of those who have a growth mindset, and those with a fixed mindset.

Growth Mindset and Mental Strength

The mindset of a person comes from their unique beliefs. When these beliefs no longer serve us, or are used for our goals, we are open to change.

After decades of research on the mindset, Dweck explains that:

‘The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life’.

The following eight techniques will allow us to develop our mental strength, and improve our growth mindset.

  1. Create A New Compelling Belief

Put your mental strength to work and believe you can fine tune your skills and talents. It is the enjoyment that you get from your effort that will help you to achieve mastery.

  1. View Failure In A Different Light

For our mental strength to improve, we need to accept that failure can happen. But this failure can be used to gain a deeper understanding of what you did wrong. Remember, you are human and each of us make mistakes so even when we lose, we can win in the long run.

  1. Sky Rocket Your Self-Awareness

It’s time you took the time to understand your gifts and the talents you have. Place some focus on your strengths and even your weaknesses. If can be helpful to ask friends you trust, family members and others so you can gain a different perspective of things and learn how you can boost your mental strength and improve your skills at the same time.

  1. Become A Curious Learner

It can be useful to act like a child as an adult. By this, I mean to live in a world of wonder, and discover the beauty in life. Decide today what you want to explore and learn and grow. Take the time to ask more questions of those around you and allow yourself to be curious. You never know what you might discover, until you allow yourself to let go and to seek out the knowledge of what you are afraid to ask. After all, this takes gusto to do and you’ll find you live a fuller, richer life as a result.

  1. Challenges Are Your New Best Friend

Life is a continuous forward motion that has us climb the mountains of the journey. Some will be small hills to conquer, while others will take time like you’re climbing the the tallest mountain in the world. It is up to you to determine what risks you are willing to take and understand that each decision you make you a stronger and wiser person. You may even find that these changes will give you a chance to find a new degree of success beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.

With your growth mindset and these challenges in place, you can begin to explore all the things you can do to also boost your mental strength as you begin to rise to the top and understand, that each positive action you take will help you to crawl closer to the top. Even when you fail, you can get back on your feet and try again.

  1. Love Takes You To The Top

When a person has a growth mindset and loves what they do, they will have a more organic rise to success. When people have no aspirations, they find it is merely a spin off and they will keep making changes, and since their heart isn’t in it, they will have a difficult time with adversity and challenges because it isn’t part of their soul and even with mental strength, they will struggle.

  1. Tenacity That Ignites

With tenacity there is the ability to form their charger and to add the ingredients that are essential for them to become successful. In this case, their mental strength is solid, and they don’t understand the concept of giving up. They have a goal and they will do all they can to achieve their success. Yes, they will sometimes slip, and slide, but their goal is to succeed and they will do whatever it takes to keep pushing forward and to find that success.

  1. Massively Inspired By Others

A person with a growth mindset will enjoy seeing others achieve their goals and to have success.

When these see this, this will fuel them even brighter and allow them to push themselves further on the journey. Because through the success of others, they have the ability to realize that their own success is achievable and full of possibilities for your life.

This success even liberates them and gives them a new world of possibilities to consider.

In fact, their genuine happiness for others and feelings of excitement will attract success back to them. After all, a person can never have something they resent someone else for having or achieving.

Just like other things in life, it is important that all this takes time. Your mental strength can grow stronger, but like the day moves into the night and causes the moon to rise, you need to go through the different stages of life and sequence of events to ultimately achieve your own degree of success. When you have that along with your willingness and commitment, you’ll find a better version of yourself waiting on the other side, and that is a life you can live and enjoy in the here and now.

You are your biggest supporter.

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