Four Powerful Questions
Sometimes the simplest thing can create the most profound effect. Take for example questions….there are good ones, not so good ones…ones that don’t make sense and others the stop you right in your tracks.
It those ‘stop you’ questions are the ones that have the biggest potential to create change. The key is to allow the change and contemplate deeply on the question.
If the answer to the question is too quick and answered off the cuff the resulting effect will not happen.
Here are four powerful questions that can change your life…if you allow them to. I would suggest taking a legal size pad and write these questions on the top of a sheet…one question per sheet.
Then over the next three to four days sit quietly in private contemplating these questions and then answering them. When you think you are finished ask yourself “What else?”…sit in silence until you get a picture, word or thought.
Repeat this process over and over until you are absolutely sure there is nothing left. The take your answers and ask, “Wouldn’t now be a great time to start on these?”
You’ll then at the beginning of creating the rest of your life!
Sure, this is will take a ton of inner strength to go deeper and deeper into each question…and the rewards will well worth it.
So…here are the four questions:
1. What present “negatives” do you want to eliminate in your life?
2. What present “positives” do want to keep in your life?
3. What future “negatives” do you want to avoid in your life?
4. What future “positives” do you want to achieve in your life?
That’s it…pretty simple right?
Easy…not so much!
Have fun with this and enjoy the journey.