Forgiveness and Personal Power
In our “Beyond Limits” class last night the topic was forgiveness. Now I’ll be the first to admit that this topic is still one I’m trying to understand at a deeper level.
You see, when I first heard about and even thought about forgiving someone I thought it was indicating that what ever action the person did was acceptable. This is why I found it extremely difficult to forgive certain individuals.
Then as I continued on my path I discovered that this is NOT what forgiveness is. As we were told in class last night, forgiveness is allowing the person safe passage through our mind. Another definition we discussed is: “forgiveness is forever giving up the right to ever bring up again that which you forgave.”
Another interesting aspect of forgiveness is in relation to The Law of Attraction. If, as we have been told and it has been proven, that we are all connected at some level. And if everything is energy, then by us not forgiving we are in essence ‘holding back.’ And “as we so so shall we reap”, that is, by us holding back energy, then that aspect of us that is the Universe must hold back as well. When we forgive, we release energy and this energy must circulate and come back to us.
Like I said…this is an ongoing practice for me to understand and practice forgiveness.
Every culture, spiritual practice and religion at its core has a concept of forgiveness…gee…do you think it’s important!?
In the support of forgiveness there are two concepts of power and peace. Last night we contemplated power (I’ll call it personal power) the definition we were asked to consider is that “power is asking for what you want and accepting what you get.”
For peace we were asked to contemplate that “peace is giving up that ‘something is wrong here.”
An interesting contemplation is that by focusing on the past with unforgiveness, lack of personal power and lack of peace, can it be that we are possible creating or recreating the very things was want to get out of or get rid of?
OK…so those are some of the topics associate with forgiveness.
The question now is, how does one forgive?
There are numerous methods for forgiving or at least looking at a situation that might need forgiveness. One is the Hawaiian form of forgiveness ho’oponopono. I discussed this in a previous post “Time For Some Physical and Emotional Cleaning”. Another great process is “The Sedona Method” cofounded by Hale Dwoskin. And one more that has to deal with relationships is Byron Katie’s “The Work.”
Last night we were introduced to another method, and I don’t know if it actually has a name and for now I’ll call it “beyond forgives.”
Here’s the process:
Step 1: Write down the name of the person that you have the issue with (that requires forgiveness for you to move on).
Step 2: Write down your inauthentic way being when you are around them. That is, if you are normally a fun, outgoing and carefree person, do you with withdraw? The key here is to see how and what you change into when you are around this person. What type of façade or mask do you put on? So, your authentic self is NOT how you act when you are mad at someone, but how you are “normally”…this is your authentic self. Then what happens when you are near this person…this is your inauthentic self
Step 3: Contemplate, what is the impact of this way of being to others in your life? For example, if you’re having a good time talking with friends and the person you are mad at walks by, how does your metamorphosis…you’re inauthentic way of being, affect the others? Do you change the subject from something happy to complaining about the person? Do you withdraw from the conversation completely? Do people notice the shift and not want to be around you? For ever action there is a reaction. When you shift your energy to an inauthentic way of being there are ramifications…what are they?
Step 4: Ask, “What can I give up?” Can you give up being distant? Can you give up the anger? To help answer this question I strongly recommend looking into “The Sedona Method” and “The Work.” Both of these processes provide excellent re-frame’s to allow you to release and let go.
In my 2 ½ Day Intensive, The 2nd Passage, I spend a significant amount of time on forgiveness and the results are amazing.
In order for personal growth, personal development and personal empowerment to occur for you, you MUST practice the art of forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential in living a rich, full, happy and meaningful life…and this is what you want, isn’t it?
I hope this gave you something to think about and consider looking into how forgiveness can help you reclaim your personal power so that you can live a life filled with joy!
Oh yea…here’s a great re-mix of Dolly Parton – Peace Train (Junior Vasquez Extended Club Mix). I guess it fits with forgiveness…I just really like it!
[hdplay id=10]
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