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Mental Strength



Following Your Heart, Walk Your Path

It’s been said that the most important part of the human body is the heart.  It’s responsible for pumping life giving blood throughout our bodies. With every beat, life-giving blood is brought to every cell, nourishing, healing and making them stronger.

A person can “survive” with limited brain function, but with no heart beat that same person stops to exist…at least in this physical realm.

It is intriguing, that in addition to being the most important part of us, biologically speaking, the heart is also associated with our emotions and Self.

Stop for a momentum and point at yourself.

Where did you point?

Most likely at your heart…not at your head.

This is the sense of Self.

With emotions, how many times have you experienced or heard someone talk about a broken heart?

Also, how you react (emotionalize) to an external event will be felt in the heart with either a faster beat (fight or flight) or a slower beat (meditation, prayer, etc).

People feel it in their heart when they are not living in integrity.  In addition, when we are experiencing a moment of “ah”, like a beautiful sunset, we’ll feel it in our chest (heart area).

Because we feel so much in our chest we tend to give a lot to authority and power to our heart as our inner guidance system, and perhaps rightfully so.

There have been recent studies that have proven that the magnetic field produced by the heart is greater then the brain.  And more importantly, when we can entrain our brain with our heart, we enter a “blissful” and more resourceful state.

I believe, whether we are consciousness of this our not, our life is a quest…an adventure.  We are searching for a life of power, purpose and passion…A life of fulfillment, meaning and happiness.

For some the quest takes longer because they use their head (brain).  For others, they follow their heart and this will lead them in the right direction.

The question many have is, how do I know that if what I feel in my heart will bring me the life I am searching for?

Is this my path?

“Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t it is of no use.  Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn’t.  One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it.  The other will make you curse your life.  One makes you strong; the other weakens you.”? Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

We need to make sure we are on the right path…the path with heart.  When we are it inform us to do the correct thing…or will our own heart lead us astray?

Sometimes, not everything we “need” is perceived as logical and fear will creep in. To get a clearer understanding of your hearts “instruction,” seek out guidance through meditation, journey work and faith.

Meditate and think if your emotions are influenced by fear and negativity. If you feel that it is, then quickly use your mental strength to shift your perception and feelings to align with your heart.

Trust your instinct. Every animal has an instinct and it never fails them.  But as humans, we have a highly-developed innate sense of ‘right’ and ‘wrong that sometimes can be clouded by too much thinking.

By following our intuition and doing what feels right we will enjoy a deep level of satisfaction.  This is the path with heart and will make living not just something we do to pass the time until we die, but will make living an exciting adventure of the Soul.

When you follow your heart, there is an internal voice that speaks to you and rules over your actions. When you follow your inner-voice joy, happiness and fulfillment soon follow.

There is an unexplainable feeling of satisfaction, safety and comfort when you let your heart rule over the more rational factors that affect your decisions. The key is to develop the courage to follow your heart, because most often, following your heart and dreams involve making what is perceived as irrational decisions.

Take a few moments right now to sit back and contemplate:

  • Have you let your heart rule over your life?
  • Have you been more logical about your decisions?
  • Have you followed the instincts that made you happy?
  • What is the quality of your life now vs. how you thought is should be 5 even 10 years ago?

If you have been walking a path with heart, you probably realized that you have been living a life of power, purpose and passion…a charged life!

If however, upon reflecting on your decisions and the level of fulfillment in your life that you have been letting your brain control your decisions, perhaps it’s time for a change.

After all if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.

I would encourage you to start to trust your heart on small matter at first.  This will help build up “trust” in yourself.  Then slowly make the move to larger and larger decisions.  Then before you know it you’ll be walking your path with heart!

If you’d like to jumpstart this process join me on The Warriors Quest.  It’s a 2 ½ intensive, just you and me, that will knock down the barriers to trusting your heart and you will discover your true path.

To find out more go HERE now…and make sure you download the complimentary brochure.

You deserve to live a full, happy and vibrant life…start right now…right here to follow your heart and walk your path!

You are your biggest supporter.

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