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Evolution Of The Awakened Warrior

If every person on the path of the Awakened Warrior wore an ID tag, you would be amazed at the number and variety of people on this path.  The actor and actress you just saw at the movies, the man sitting beside you at the restaurant, the woman how passed on the street, a teacher, a banker, a congressman, the owner of a flower shop, a business executive, an insurance man, an attorney, a doctor, a psychologist, a scientist, a minister, a realtor, the salesman who called you yesterday, the mother with two children you saw in the supermarket… there is a good possibility that someone you know very well may be an Awakened Warrior.  They come from all walks of life and their number is growing daily.

In my studies and walking this path myself, I have found that individuals usually fall into several categories of “awakenedness,” evolving from what I call Stage 1, up to Stage 12 – where the individual has so merged with The Power that you can’t tell one from the other.

In describing these various stages I’m only covering the basic characteristics of each stage.  I should mention however that at any time a person may tap into a higher stage and power.  It’s the momentary glimpses that can a blessing and a curse, depending how the individual responds.

And even though there may be temporary break through of evolution, for the most part the individual remains at their current state of “awakenedness” until there is a “stirring within” to come up a “higher” level.

This may come about as a result of the desperate need, or simply because the time is right.  However, in my experience and my studies, it is not until Stage 6 that a person can become a true Awakened Warrior.

Stages of The Awakened Warrior (1 through 4)

Stage 1

A Stage 1 warrior may or may not have an awareness of their true identity, and if they do, it’s only conjecture; there is no comprehension of the real meaning of this revelation.  However, a person in this category may have strong self-image as a human being and be aware of their human potential.

This is despite the fact that their overall belief system may be faulty and on occasion “pull themselves up by his bootstraps” and overcome hurdles to achieve a degree of success through sheer mental strength, determination, blood, sweat and tears.  At the present time I would say that the majority of people are in Stage 1 consciousness – regardless of how religious or spiritual they profess to be.

Stage 2

In Stage 2, the understanding sense is beginning to develop on the intellectual level.  You perceive and agree on the idea that there is a massive human potential, a Power within you, another Self on a Higher Vibration Level, a Pattern of Perfection that is you in possibility, a Higher in Energy that can be brought into the world through expression.

It is all still a theory at this stage, but there is quite a bit of enthusiasm for knowledge by reading, studying and exploring new ideas.  There is interest in the techniques of self-actualization, mind dynamics, mental strength, meditation, visualization and affirmations.  Your mind is beginning to open and you are mesmerized and effervescent by your new discoveries.

Stage 3

The Stage 3 warrior begins to feel subjectively that “man’s not all included between his hat in his boots” as Walt Whitman puts it.  But the primary emphasis is on what can be done with “mind power” and mental strength – basically a mental training approach with little higher consciousness or spiritual foundation.  The warrior on the Stage 3 usually tries to give the impression of being a bit mystical, that “I know something you don’t attitude”, resulting in an exaggerated ego and false pride.

When a Stage 3 warrior demonstrates a particular good, heaven help everyone within shouting distance, because the experience is going to be told over and over and over and over again.  If you identify with this stage, you know that you’re spending too much time trying to convert others to your “new” way of thinking with philosophical jargon that does nothing but turn people away and you are hindering your own progress in the process.  The key to moving past the stage is to keep your mouth shut and let the Power grow and develop.

Stage 4

Stage 4 must be entered into with great deal of caution, because it is at this stage of consciousness that most Awakened Warriors in training experience the greatest difficulty.  In Stage 4, the Truth or spiritual power has been partially developed in your inner mind, but it’s not ready for full expression.

But because the consciousness entrain’s at times with this illuminated awareness, the so-called miracles will occur, and there will be opportunities for magnificent demonstrations of the Power at work.  At the same time, you may also find that your optimism is ahead of your deep and complete understanding and errors in judgment will result, plunging you into a “how could this possibly happen to me” state of mind.  It is not until the Truth Idea is fully manifest in your consciousness that “miracles follow miracles and wonders never cease.”

Start today on your awakened warrior journey by enrolling in The Warriors Quest.

Reference – The Superbeings: John Randolph Price

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