Complacent Zone – How To Tell If You’re In One

Let me ask you…what do the following all have in common?
- Your car
- Your home
- Your office
- Your life
They all have a set points, points at which the comfort level will go no lower or no higher than the set points. You can think of this a comfort zone. For example, your home will get no colder than 62 or no warmer than 75.
The control of the temperature is done automatically.
The difference between your life and your home, car or office is your “comfort zone” is unconsciously determined by you.
That’s right, you’ve created your own level of mental support and mental resistance… and you probably don’t know it.
Here…let me explain…
In your life (or any part of your life) you have two boundaries. One is the mental support level. This is the point where you will absolutely go no lower than.
Then there’s the mental resistance level this is a point where you become uncomfortable, and begin to unconsciously back away from.
So…what’s in between these two levels?
Most people call this your comfort zone. I call it your complacent zone.
Because most people after the attempt to get out and can’t surrender and become complacent with their life, hence…the complacent zone.
Your Complacent Zone
Think about this…if it was a “comfort zone” why would want to move out of it if it was so comfortable?
You can think of these two barriers like an invisible fence, you know, just like the ones to keep dogs in their yards.
If the dog gets too close to the invisible fence (it’s actually buried underground…kind like your beliefs being buried under your consciousness mind) the dog gets a warning. Then if it continues it receives a shock, i.e. pain.
We work the same way. We think about crossing our invisible fence, but we anticipate pain, so we simply stay where we are, afraid to venture outside our prescribed area. Sure we can see what’s out there, like abundance, health, happiness, fulfillment, but we’re afraid if the pain so we don’t even try.
For some of us we get close to the boundaries, but then we being to feel something and we back off before we get the “shock”.
So the question now is, what determines your invisible fence, the boundaries of your comfort zone?
- Beliefs
- Values
- Unconscious programs
- Emotions
- Past experiences
What are some signs that you’re getting close to your mental resistance line?
- Procrastinate
- It doesn’t feel right
- I’ll do it tomorrow
- I’m tired
- I have other things to do
- Getting frustrated with lack of progress (and then quitting)
- Maybe the universe does want this for me (and giving up)
The thing is you can’t consciously break out of your comfort zone…at least not for a prolong period of time, without changing your beliefs, neutralizing negative emotions and reorganizing the other programs that are holding you back.
So, after a while we simply give up.
Then what do we do…we “justify” why we are where we are.
We create a story.
This is the story we tell ourselves and others to justify where we are.
Find out more about how you create your complacent zone with this free report “The 10 Cognitive Distortions, And How We Twist And Mix-up Our Experiences and Reality.” Get it by going to