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Being Evolved And The Power of Compassion

As we have evolved beyond the mechanics and rigidities of the industrial age in our buildings and businesses, so have the workers evolved into evolvedbeings who seek more purposeful lives, workplaces that require and inspire relationships, collaborative processes that stimulate originality and culminate in a sense of meaningful community.

People want to engage with others, to feel the thrill of creative combustion, the joy of originating new solutions, like spelunkers in a cave, illuminating the unknown with the floodlight of their diverse wisdom and experience.

Every thinking person on this planet feels in their heart the toll of compassion and the weight of complicity. On some deep level, we are aware that our choices have an impact on others, that there is some ineffable connection between our lives and the lives of our sisters and brothers in Rwanda, Calcutta, Uzbekistan.

We sense the inequities and a deep sorrow runs through our nervous system day and night. We are frozen in our silences, numbed by our distractions, waiting and yearning and praying for war to end, hunger to end, poverty to end.

Many of us cry out silently in the night, but the time has come to be public with this pain, to speak of its relentlessness, its unbearableness, for it is only when we release it that we become free to address it, to embrace it, and, ultimately, to heal it…this the core of being a Thought Warrior.

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 As individuals, the greatest courage that is called for is the courage to be real…to be a Thought Warrior. When we are real, it melts the frozen places in ourselves and others. It opens the passageways between our hearts and our minds, thaws the blockages that constrain our imagination, and carries us down to our wellsprings of wisdom. The solutions to our crises are already here.

They exist in our relationships, in our stories, in our unfolding forgiveness, and it is through the expression of these things that we will one day live into the answers we seek at this time.

The leadership that is required at this moment in history is a leadership of generosity, of humility, of self-offering. To lead, we need not know the answers. We must only convene the circles, articulate the questions, frame the conversation, and direct attention to the issues that matter.

It is the community that will rise up in response to our calling— joyful to be invited, heartened to be involved—and it is the community that will lead us past our illusions, beyond our fears, and into a reality brighter and bolder than all imaginings.

To be free to offer the gifts of your heart, to be free of what others might think, to be a truth-teller, a catalyst, a voice in the dark: these are the fruits of original thinking, and these are the signs of leaders of consequence.

“To change our realities we have to change our myths.” – Raine Eisler

“We cannot change our politics until we first change our perceptions.” – Beatrice Bruteau

Some of the greatest thinkers today are in agreement about the power of our consciousness to alter our circumstances.

From biologists to business leaders, mystics to medical professionals, philosophers to philanthropists, individuals are speaking out about the role of our thoughts in the unfolding of our realities. Simultaneously, the world of quantum physics is seeding our fertile mindscapes with findings that propel us beyond all known imaginings.

Quantum nonlocality, or nonseparability, is asking us to completely alter our ideas about objects. “We can no longer consider objects as independently existing entities. They are interconnected in ways not even conceivable in classical physics,” writes theoretical astrophysicist Victor Mansfield in Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-Making.

Quantum nonlocality teaches us that particles that were once together in an interaction continue to respond to each other no matter how many miles apart, and at a rate faster than the speed of light.

Physicist Menas Kafatos writes: “Nature has shown us that our concept of reality, consisting of units that can be considered as separate from each other, is fundamentally wrong.” Since we are composed of cells, molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles, this makes each of us part of one indivisible whole, interconnected and interdependent.

This is hard to put our minds around since we have constructed a society based on myths of duality and separation. Myths are the great overarching stories that we are born into—stories that help us know our place, understand our nature. They are universal in scope, leading us to believe that this is how it is for humanity.

According to the mythologist Joseph Campbell, myths are stories that bridge our local consciousness to “Mind at Large.” The images they give us reflect our relationship to the eternal, to the earth, and to each other…more on this next week.

In the mean time, if you’d like to start your transformation into a Thought Warrior, request your Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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