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Become a Scientist of Your Life

A good scientist wants to know the truth. They aren’t concerned with their ego. You can be a scientist of life. It’s your job to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Fortunately, there are books available on nearly every subject written by experts. However, these just provide a starting point. It’s up to you to see if the information and advice of the experts actually works for you.

Once you know what works for you, life becomes much easier!

Follow this process to become a scientist of your life:

  1. Have an effective mindset. The right mindset can make all the difference. Life is challenging when you view your results as a measure of your value. Instead, consider your results to be a measure of the correctness of your approach.

• For example, following a bad recipe doesn’t make you a horrible chef. It just means you need a better recipe.

• When you experience poor results, look for a more effective method of accomplishing that objective.

• A scientist experiments. Being a scientist of life requires experimentation. There’s no reason to take any of it personally.

  1. Choose an area of your life that could use some work. A scientist isn’t conducting a bunch of unrelated experiments. They focus on one thing at a time. Choose a part of your life that needs help and put all of your efforts there.
  2. Learn. Become an expert. If your challenge is financial, become a financial expert. Read books. Study those that have become successful but started from circumstances similar to yours.

• However, avoid getting stuck in this phase. You can’t be successful if you never experiment.

Scientist of Your Life
  1. Formulate a hypothesis. Suppose you have a consulting business, and you want to find more clients by making cold calls. Your hypothesis might be that a particular cold-calling script is better than your current script.
  2. Create an experiment. Your experiment would be to determine which script is better. What are the results of your current script? How many calls will it take to get a new client? It depends on your typical success rate. As a general rule, the greater the sample size, the more reliable the results.

• Decide to make the same number of calls with the new script. You can then compare the results fairly.

  1. Test your hypothesis. Now, all you have to do is execute your experiment. Make all of your calls and gather your data. Your results depend on the quality of your data, so pay attention to what you’re doing and record the results of each call accurately.
  2. Evaluate your results. Determine which is better. The old script might be better, and that’s fine. The new script might be better, and that’s great! You’ve just discovered a way to increase your business and your income.
  3. Repeat. Develop a new script and repeat the process. This can go on for as long as you like. You can continue to improve for as long as you choose. Eventually, it would be best to move on to another part of your life that could use a boost.

What could be simpler? Dispassionately experiment with your life. You don’t have to take the results personally. You’re just a scientist looking for the best way to be successful at life. Look for the best way to accomplish your objectives and avoid judging yourself.

When you know a great process to accomplish something, success becomes easy. Imagine doing this for all the different areas of your life. You’ll eventually become the most successful person you know. All it takes is the willingness to experiment with your life. It’s not personal. It’s just science.

You are your biggest supporter.

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