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Guest Post



Are You Paying Attention

Are you paying attention? Mental Strength

This is another great guest post from Kasia Rachfall from  Fresh Perspective Coaching

Many of us like to accomplish things in our life.  For some this may mean traveling to lots of places or writing the next bestselling novel.  For some this may mean finishing a marathon or an Ironman.  For others it may mean finding joy in a relationship or in one’s work.  Whatever accomplishment you want to achieve in your life…make sure you’re paying attention to what’s going on inside and out to know if you’re on the right track or not.

Why would you want to look inside?  What does it mean to look inside, anyway?  In his book The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot explores how our beliefs shape our reality.  When you believe in something you’re more likely to make it happen – whether it’s healing from a dis-ease or finding a new career. 

Beliefs cause us to think a certain way.  They cause us to have certain emotions and to behave in certain ways.  When our beliefs aren’t congruent with what we want in our lives, they can also cause us to miss opportunities that are standing right in front of us.  Sometimes the universe has to literally be sneaky to give us what we want.  And even then we may not be aware of what’s going on.

Which is why it’s important to notice what’s going on around outside us too.  We may meet people or pick up a random book that gives us exactly what we need to know,  and unless we put two and two together, we will completely miss the message.

It’s important to have this awareness and to let go of the limiting beliefs that can create such missed opportunities and stagnation.  When we look for ways to think differently and become empowered with tools like NLP that help us easily align our mindset to accomplish all our goals, we achieve those goals in record time.

I have a funny story about this concept that I’d like to share. When I was struggling to build my business I had lots of goals that I wanted to reach.  Of course, one of them was a certain level of income.  I thought I was doing all the right things and believing and thinking all the right things until I had a huge “aha” one day.  I realized that I was afraid of my new career becoming just another j.o.b. that I had left behind because I hadn’t liked the corporate world.  I didn’t want to become a robot who traded hours for dollars and was miserable sitting in an office all day long with other miserable employees.  No wonder I wasn’t making any money or attracting many clients! By thinking this way I was telling the universe that I didn’t want to work.  Now the universe, the wonderful consciousness that it is, was sending me abundance in other ways.  For example, in the span of 2 months I won 3 trips that totalled over $20,000 in value!  They were spectacular and luxurious trips to neat places and my family and I enjoyed ourselves very much.

So what was my learning? How did I figure this out and finally get my memo from the universe who wanted me to be successful so badly that it had to sneak me money through ballots and contests?

I released the limiting beliefs I had about my new career and life purpose, I aligned my thoughts, attitude, and actions to reflect all the goals I had, and I began to attract the perfect clients and abundance through my work, not through winning contests!

When you look at the areas of your life that are not the way you want them to be, make sure to look inside and outside yourself for the possible misalignments.  What do you believe and think about your ability to have that area of your life exactly the way you want? What’s going on in your life that is giving you clues and opportunities to change and create the perfect solution?  Then take the necessary action to make it happen.  Being, doing, and having the things you want is easy when you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get there.

You are your biggest supporter.

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