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Mental Strength



Are Mentally Strong Enough For An Image Coach?

Let me ask, you…are mentally strong enough to consider that here’s room for improvement in your appearance, style or personal brand?

Perhaps you’ve decided to upgrade your image, but don’t know how or where to begin.

Or maybe you’re felling that you’re not living up to your expectations with regard to your image or personal brand.

Then an image coach is exactly what you need!

Now before you think I’ve lost my mind talking about personal image, think about this…when was the last time you felt unstoppable, confident and sexy (yes…guys, this applies to you too).  It was most likely when you were dressed in a way that helped create these feels.

You can’t feel like a million bucks looking like a slob! 

Whether you’re an individual concerned with presenting the best possible image or a business owner that would like company employees to appear more professional, image coaching is not just for the rich and famous!

In the privacy of your home or office or even virtually, you can discuss your image and personal brand with an image coach.

Developing your personal style, image and brand is an opportunity for you to rediscover and express your uniqueness.

Life changes and as we age, our image evolves. Perhaps it’s time to reinvent yourself as you transition from student to professional, climb the corporate ladder, go from Mom to Grand mom or Dad to Granddad shifting toward a more leisurely life style.

Regardless of where you are in life or your budget an image coach can create an action plan that will take you from frumpy to fabulous.

So…who needs an image coach?

Professional: An image coach will examine your individual combination of skill, talent, capability and practical application to attain professional efficiency.

Personal: An image coach will help you gain knowledge and personal awareness that will give you an edge in a competitive culture.

 Interpersonal: A good image coach will also help you understand how to face issues that hinder your ability to interact successfully with others.

 What is image coaching?

Image coaching is designed to aid you in attaining successful results in your personal and professional life. Like other coaching, an image coach is committed to assisting you as you build and enhance your style, skill, and relationships.

 An image coach is trained to listen, to observe and to customize the approach to your individuals needs. An image coach role is to assist you in identifying important goals and priorities then develop the strategies and tactics on how to reach your personal goals and to overcome obstacles to achieve them.

 Image coaching is an ongoing partnership. An image coach will work with you and develop a relationship of trust in order to provide a safe and accepting environment that enables you to explore your full potential. Basically, you decide when you feel satisfied with your accomplished goals.

 An image coach guides you in presenting yourself to your best advantage and in expressing your highest potential. Whether you are an individual or a business, whether you work outside the home or not, an image coach can help you how to polish your image in three areas:

 Main Area

  • Your physical appearance – Grooming, hair, makeup, color, wardrobe, and personal shopping.

 Supplemental Areas

  • Your behavior – Social skills, stress management, etiquette, civility and protocol.

 Your communication skills – Diction, body language, relationship-building and conflict resolution.

 Some of the areas an image coach can focus on

  • Personal Empowerment
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Social Strategies
  • First Impressions
  • Wardrobe Enhancement
  • Style and Image Maintenance

 Is image coaching for you?

If you’re a person (male or female) that desires to attain an increased level of personal and professional success than an image coach can help you. Image coaching is a carefully constructed program that compels you to be committed to redefining your personal image and brand from the inside out.

 Personal Image and Branding

 A Lady’s Image

Grace Kelly, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Queen Noor and Queen Rania of Jordan are icons society has felt best represent the idea of a “True Lady”. Your icon may be your mother, grandmother or some other wonderful women. Regardless, she likely comes to mind because you see her as the epitome of a “Lady”.

 A lady is known by, as and treated according to her image. Regardless of age, profession, social or financial status, a lady’s unique image includes the right touch of social grace, elegance and an outward expressing of her personality. She is not a slave to fashion but skilled in using fashion and beauty industry elements to accentuate and define her unique style.

 While ladies are females not all females are ladies. Many conduct themselves as such but lacking a great image.

 An image coach will help you pull all the right elements together in a polished package with savvy, sophistication and decorum. You will have the abilities to take absolute charge of your image presentation to the world.

 A Gentleman’s Image

A true gentleman is not born. He is self-made and can be from any walk of life, background or profession. He is a man who constantly strives to be his best at all he does in life.

 He possesses a set of skills that include kind, courteous and respectful conduct regardless of the circumstances. He is tolerant but strong and will remain true to his values and beliefs.

 While clothing does not create a gentleman, clothing certainly completes a gentleman. Regardless of a man’s professional, social of financial status, the ability to present a strong visual image which is tailored to represent his uniqueness is crucial.

 No more worries. Focus will help you create an image that is uniquely yours and provide other “gentlemanly tips.”

 Other Areas For Imagine Coaching

  • Color Analysis
  • Body Frame Analysis
  • Clothing Personality Assessment
  • Wardrobe Planning
  • Premier Personal Appearance
  • Personal Branding
  • Closet Reorganization and Purging
  • Personal Style Manual
  • Personal Shopping

  How an Image Coach Meets Your Unique Needs

Because many people want the advantage of making a unique impression in many areas of their lives, image coaching has grown to include many specialties.

 This means you can find an image coach who not only offers excellent image services, but who also provides expertise and an in-depth focus on the specialty in which you are most interested.

 Among many other areas an image coach specialties include knowledge of:

  • Personal feng shui
  • Wardrobe consultant
  • Color specialist
  • Personal shopper
  • Clothing or uniform designer
  • Hair stylist
  • Makeup artist
  • Etiquette consultant
  • Branding specialist

Many image coaches specialize in meeting the needs of certain client groups: politicians, media personalities, corporate trainers, professional speakers, or individuals who are tall, full-figured or petite, for example.

Other image coaches work exclusively with men, women, teens or children.

An image coach may also represent a line of clothing, accessories, eye-wear, makeup, or other products; they may also offer books or information materials focusing on their area of expertise.

So, if you’re looking to enhance your personal success, you might first look at your personal image…is it attracting to you want you desire?  If not, I strongly recommend contacting an image coach today!

If you’re stuck in finding an image coach Contact Me and I can highly recommend someone.

You are your biggest supporter.

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