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Affirmations- How To Get Passionate About Your Dream – Part 2

Today I’m going to continue on how to get passionate about your dream. In the last post I talked about visualization. Today we’re going to cover affirmationsaffirmation.


“I used to work at The International House of Pancakes. It was a dream, and I made it happen.” Paula Poundstone

To affirm is to make firm.

An affirmation is a statement of truth you make firm by repetition.

Like goals, affirmations work best when they are worded in the present tense. “I am a successful orchestral conductor, making $100,000 per year” is how to state an affirmation, not “I’m going to be . . .” or “I really want to be . . .” or “If it’s not too much trouble, I’d really like to be . . ..”

Your purpose and your Big Dream (Goal) are already worded as affirmations – so, affirm them.

Say each, out loud, for an hour without stopping.

Before starting, you might want to ask the white light to surround you for your highest good.

When you affirm, all that is between you and fulfilling that dream comes to the surface – in other words, the comfort zone. Expect fear, guilt, unworthiness, hurt feelings, anger, and discouragement to do what they do to get you to stop.

Keep going.

To bring up the limitations faster, look at yourself in the mirror while repeating your affirmation.

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It’s a powerful process.

Additionally, you can record your affirmations on an endless-loop audio and have them playing softly in the background while other things are going on.

You can get an earphone and play your mp3 player and listen to it wherever you go. (Talk about your portable paradise!)

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” Frank Lloyd Wright

Some people like to make a treasure map.

A treasure map (also known as a vision board) is a large piece of foam core or a bulletin board that contains the keys to your inner and outer riches. Cut from magazines, newspapers, or make drawings of objects that represent portions of your Big Dream – words, pictures, people, anything.

Glue, paste, or pin them to your treasure map. (Some people use a bulletin board so that when one portion of the Dream is realized, they can take it down and replace it with another part of the Dream.)

Your treasure map becomes a colorful collage. Put it where you’ll see it often (but not where the trolls hang out).

It’s a visual affirmation.

Practice turning the comfort zone’s chattering into instant affirmations. Anytime you catch yourself saying something negative to yourself, take charge of the thought and rescue it.

Turn it around.

Make the most negative thought the most positive one – just like that. Consider it a lesson in creative writing, or a new quiz show – the grand prize of which is your Dream. If stuck, you can always add, “…up until now, and things are changing for the better,” to whatever negative nonsense the comfort zone throws at you.

Affirmations help you believe in your Dream. Belief is essential. Your Dream must become more real than your doubt. Affirmations are like lifting weights–a mechanical process that helps build strength (belief) in your Dream.

“One person with belief,” John Stuart Mill wrote more than a hundred years ago, “is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests.”

You are your biggest supporter.

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