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Mental Strength



A Warrior Separates Their Beliefs from Facts

mental strengthMental Strength Tip #5 – A Warrior Separates Their Beliefs from Facts


To help you make the distinction between your beliefs, aka “your truth” and fact

Getting Started

We all have beliefs, they are not good or bad, and they either support you in helping your reach your desired goal, or keep you from it.  I’ve heard many people rephrase their beliefs under the disguise of “speaking their truth” thinking that because it is their truth it MUST be fact.

Facts cannot be changed but beliefs (speaking one’s truths) can be changed.  Take weather as an example.  Let’s say right now it’s 30°f outside, which is a fact that cannot be changed (unless you’re outside the USA and then it would be -1°c). It’s 30° cold or mild?  It depends on your perception of temperature.  If you’re from Toronto, 30° is mild.  If you’re from my Miami, you’d probably say 30° is cold. 

So, is 30° mild or cold?  It depends on your perception…or belief.  In the mental strength process we call this “perception of truth.”

Questions to Uncover Beliefs

  • Do you understand the significance of making the distinction between “your truth” (your belief) and fact as it relates becoming mentally strong?
  • Do you see how someone operating under facts that are actually beliefs would be handicapping their chances of accomplishing their goal?
  • How many beliefs have you been operating under that are or actually facts?

Average Thinking about Beliefs vs. Fact

  • There’s no difference between my truth (beliefs) and fact.
  • I don’t need to question what I believe to be fact.  I’m old enough and smart enough to know the way the world works.
  • I’ve gotten this far with what I know to be a truth.  Why rock the boat?

Mental Strength Thinking about Beliefs vs. Fact

  • I’m not locked into any belief.  I am always searching for a higher level of thinking.
  • I am always questioning what I believe to be fact.
  • I’m in a never ending quest to raise my level of conscious awareness.

Questions of Mental Strength

  • What is not making the distinction between “your truth” and fact costing you and your family?
  • Have you double checked your facts?  Are you absolutely positive they are not truths?  Are you aware what it will cost you and your family if you’re wrong?
  • Are you willing to do whatever it takes to challenge and upgrade your beliefs, or are you willing to settle for mediocre results?

Reflective Questions

  • How can I help you make the distinction between “your truth” and fact so that you can get closer to achieving your desired goal?
  • Do you believe utilizing this mental strength tool, “belief vs. fact” will move you closer towards personal success?
  • When was the last time you realize you are operating under a fact that actually turned out to be a truth?

Coaching the Upgrade

 My goal here is to help you FIRST realize that that most facts are actually beliefs, and you have the personal power to upgrade those truths to philosophies that can serve you and help with your personal development…rather than limit you. 

Use this technique as an ongoing process to until you begin to challenge your thoughts and ask “Is this a belief or a fact?” Then ask “How do I know?”

Final Thought

Average thinkers refuse to consider the idea that many of the things that they see as facts are actually their beliefs.  The average person connects the dots of life through things they believe as facts, and will strike back out of fear when challenged.  Remember that comfort is the mantra of the average thinker, and anything or anyone that jeopardizes their beliefs will incur the wrath of a frightened threaten individual.   

In order to increase you mental strength and achieve your personal success you will have to develop the art and science of self questioning.  The more you ask, “Is this fact or just my truth?” the more you will open yourself to additional possibilities to achieve your goal.

Let me know in the comments below what’s one thing you thought was fact that after you questioned it, it turned out to be your belief. 

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